
Loving a Billionaire Boss

When Mira is promoted to a new position at her company, she's excited to take on new challenges and prove herself as a capable professional. However, her new boss, Lucian proves he wasn't the friendly boss from the moment they meet. As they begin to work together, Mira and Lucian clash at every turn. They argue about everything but as they spend more time together, they begin to see each other in a new light. Lucian is impressed by Mira's work ethic and intelligence, while Mira starts to see the softer side of Lucian that he keeps hidden from the rest of the world. The two continue to butt heads. It's not until a competitor project forces them to work together closely that they finally begin to see eye-to-eye. As they spend more time together, they begin to open up to each other, sharing their dreams, fears, and vulnerabilities. But just as they start to explore their feelings for each other, a series of misunderstandings threaten to tear them apart. Will they be able to overcome their differences and find love, or will circumstances keep them apart forever? Disclaimer- Cover photo downloaded from Pinterest.

Jonnie · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Tale from her past

The skies had darkened and Mira realised she needed to be home. She packed up all she needed and headed out. She looked exhausted from the work but could only smile at the others she met on her way out, bidding goodnight. 

In no time she had boarded a taxi and was standing in front of the door of her apartment. She lowered her head to reach out into her bag but her eyes caught a glance at the knob. 

She looked around, observing her environment but it was as calm as it normally is. She looked at the door again and could tell someone had broken in. She pushed the door gently and it opened swinging backwards and quietly. 

The light switch was just on her left, so she moved her hand until she could flip it.  Immediately the lights came on. She was startled and shivered seeing a man sitting on her couch. 

She soon held on to her pounding chest, realising it was a familiar man. 

"What are you doing here? How did you get here?" She asked angrily. 

Lucian remained majestically seated with his legs crossed. 

"I think I should ask the questions here. What were you doing there, at the restaurant?" He asked her. 

"I don't know what you are talking about," she said. 

"Yes, you do. You disguised yourself as some waitress. Why?" he asked. 

"You must be mistaking me for someone else." She assured him. 

"I told you I'd recognise you in a clown's outfit," He said. 

"Fine, I was there to make sure you were safe and not walking into some trap. You are Theo's nephew, which makes you my responsibility." She said at once as she walked toward the dining area. 

He smiled to himself and got up and walked towards her. She had no idea of this for she assumed he was still on the couch. 

The moment she turned, her chest pressed against him and she was startled again. 

"You can't even look at me." He said softly. 

"What are you doing?" she inquired in an uncomfortable tone. 

"We were drunk but I remember. You weren't scared. We didn't care. You kissed me and it wasn't just a kiss." He told her. 

"You are making me very uncomfortable," she said. 

He looked at her for a bit and then turned away. 

"I didn't mean it in a-" She tried to explain. 

"I don't need an apology. I want to know what you are hiding." He told her. 

"I am not hiding anything," she argued. 

He turned toward her. 

"Mira, you are like a book to me. Reading you is easy. Your sudden rejection isn't what gets me but the fact that something causes it, something I am yet to know." He replied. 

"There is nothing for you to know." She said, walking past him. 

"There is and you know it!" He walked behind her. 

"Just stop! Okay? If there are things about my life I wish to keep to myself, I have that right." She snapped at him. 

"Fine." He sounded hurt but walked past her towards the living room like there was something he wanted to get before leaving. 

She turned to watch him. Looking confused, she saw he searched for his phone and was about to storm out. 

"We got drunk and did stupid things. It has made you uncomfortable around me, made conversation awkward and meetings odd. 

You are hereby relieved of your duties. You wouldn't need to deal with me anymore. I hold no grudges against you and neither will Theo. 

I hope you find a better job and boss." He told her and headed for the door. 

"No, wait!" she stopped him. 

He paused his steps as his eyes rested on the door. 

"I just gave you what you always wanted," He said. 

"I know my wants," she said. 

"Then why stop me? You don't want me in, you don't want me out. Do you know what you want?" He asked her. 

"Why are you so unyielding?" She asked in a soft tone. 

He turned towards her slowly as his eyes rested on her innocent face. 

"Maybe you should never have kissed me," He said. 

She sighed surrenderingly and moved to take her seat on the couch and signalled that he join her. 

It was a long couch. She turned toward him and he toward her. She avoided his eyes the best she could but he wouldn't blink. 

"So... like one kiss and you are already in love?" she asked with a smile. 

"No one ever said anything about love. I just felt different about you after that night." He told her. 

"Do you ever lie?" she asked him. 

"I have been lied to many times. I hate lies and so I don't tell them. If it needs to not be said, I would rather not say it." He told her. 

"Hmm. I was an orphan and adopted by a certain couple- The Walters. I don't know why anyone would adopt a child they aren't ready for. 

Living with them was like living in a horror movie. Mrs Walter, she hated me. Always called me the devil's child, a witch and more. 

These verbal abuses were always accompanied by slaps that came non-stop but maybe if it was just that I would have endured it but it wasn't. 

Mr Vic Walter only adopted me because he was mostly attracted to young girls and what better way than to own one? 

Every day and night his wife wasn't at home, he came. He would beat me into submission and smile when he was successful. 

I ran away when I was thirteen," she concluded. 

"You never reported them? Never fought for justice?" He asked her. 

"It was my word against theirs. They were rich people. Philanthropists. I just had to run away to get a better life." She told him. 

"I take it you've never been touched again," He said. 

"I haven't. I couldn't. I have had relationships fall apart because I wasn't willing to open up or relive the moments. I couldn't heal psychologically," she said. 

He placed his right hand over hers. 

"I'm sorry such a terrible thing happened to you." He told her. 

"Yeah..now you know my story." She said sadly. 

He cupped her chin upwards to bring her face to his. 

"It's been so many years. You deserve happiness. Drop the baggage and be free." He told her. 

"It's difficult. Maybe because I never went to therapy." She said. 

"It's all in the mind." He said and got up. 

"Where are you going?" She asked him. 

"I am heading home. It's late. Get some rest." He told her. 

"Did you mean the part where you fired me?" she asked. 

"No and Mira" He called out. "I'm never going to hurt you," he added. 

She smiled immediately. It felt like a huge relief to hear someone say that to her. 

Lucian finally took his eyes off her and left the apartment, shutting the door behind him.

He walked over to the other side of the road where he had parked his car and dialled a number as he did. 

"Get me all the info on Vic Walter," he said over the phone before getting into his car.