

she planned everything perfectly but something unexpected happened.. everything was going smoothly but suddenly her biggest dream became the worst nightmare..she is trying to overcome it but failed..again..then a calm voice ,"you can do it" And everything became normal again. With her past ,she still can do it.. and then a voice came.. "although past is very cruel, it will catch your heart tightly and you will suffocate but remember you are always free to begin again..and you are always free to believe..when you find your dream that your hearts belong ,you'll never leave " suddenly she smiled..a gentle, calm , peaceful smile like she knows everything.

Jemima_Yeasmin · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Meeting with Dyna

I am in my room now ."Come here Alisa,dinner is ready",mom shouted. "Yes mom coming",I replied. After finishing my dinner I am doing my homework now but I can't stop thinking about him..him ?.. ofcourse Choi Sehun,my childhood friend.

I remember the day when I & Rose were waiting for Sehun to go to the park together but he didn't come and after that day we never saw him again..we visited his home once but a old man ,who is their neighbour ,told us -

"you don't know ?? a few months ago they left this house .The owner of this house got a job in Seoul..I heard the job was very high paying so they moved "...

and that's how I lost a friend. But I had Rose so I didn't feel that much alone but I really missed him ..and now suddenly I get him back. May be that's why I can't help myself thinking about him now.

Next day morning at school--

"Did you complete your homework ?",Sehun asked me. "yes I did and you ?",I replied after passing him a sweet smile.

"yes", he replied. Our math teacher is solving a math in the board but I am looking at Sehun and when he looked at me, suddenly my heart start beating a thousand times. Normally I am a studious girl but I think I have a crush on Sehun..."oh no no .. concentrate Alisa concentrate",I tried to convence myself.

Sehun is my first crush and I know you guys...yes yes you guys..who are reading this now...if you have a crush then let us know in the comment section.

where was I ??..oh yes yes I was trying to convence myself. It's the tiffin time now. we(me and Rose) are eating and Sehun is not here with us..he is probably talking to his other friends outside..and then a strange looking girl named Dyna came.

"Alisa ?", Dyna asked.

"yes I am Alisa",I replied...and then she told me something which I was not prepared to heard that time.

she asked ,"So Alisa I hope you know me .I am principal's daughter...and I noticed that you were laughing and talking to Sehun. But for your kind information let me tell you one thing . Choi Sehun is my boyfriend so don't waste your time flirting with him."

I was so shocked and Rose put her head near my ear and told, "no way..this girl. How can Sehun be so fool to date a girl like her.. anyway.."

And with my tiny broken heart I finally replied, "don't worry we are just friends nothing else".

"okay then bye"..Dyna said and left the place.

I am currently in my home now..but I can't stop crying...the first time I felt something for someone and this happened...this is all my fault .I should be more careful ...how can I do such a stupid thing ..love ? ..no no It's just likeness I will get over it soon..be strong.

Suddenly my phone is ringing..

Alisa: "hello Rose. What happened ?"

Rose: "I talked to my dad about the party and he agreed."

Alisa: "party ? which party ?"

Rose: "you forgot ?..how can you?..okay I am telling you. I told you that if we get admission in the same school then I will arrange a party . remember ?"

Alisa: "oh yes ..so when is the party ?"

Rose: "Friday evening 7 p.m."

Alisa: "okay. But Rose (a little worried and upset) what if everyone comes to know about our past ?..will they believe us?..will they understand how critical condition we were in ?"

Rose : "don't worry everything will be okay. Is your homework complete ?"

Alisa: "yes.

Rose: "okay then go to sleep..it's almost 11p.m."

Alisa: "hmm byee."

Rose: "byee."

wait ...do you want to know Alisa's secret ? and what happened next to Alisa ...then please wait for the next part and if you didn't read the previous part yet then go and check..

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