
Lovers parted, can't be friends

He calls her Khushi, his love towards her is crystal like water. Their love story is just like something we have already heard but there's a sad and a happy conclusion. Their first meeting was facilitated by parents from both the sides, "Bhai baat-vaat karlo, dekh lo kaise hai, phir aage baat karte hai." "Dekho beti, ladka accha hai, baat karke check karlo, phir tum India vapas aaogi tab baat chala lenge."  And that's how it had began only to be parting ways, heads down to the celestial game played by various flaws in the Kundalis.

They never met personally but fell in love unconditionally, they didn't communicate for years to fall in love but just 4 months was all it required. Tragic was the time when their kundali did not match and they had to respect their parent's decision to choose their respective paths.

Here's something a man in love with his Khushi has written:

"People say love strikes you when you least expect it, like a beautiful accident. Exactly that's what happened with me. A girl named Khushi came into my life about 4 months ago without any permission and turned my life upside down. Yes that was my first encounter with love and I did not know how to protect myself.

Initially I played it very smart, thinking is she really what she says? It took me almost 1.5 months to finally say those 3 magical words I LOVE YOU. But you know what she waited patiently, passed every test and hurdles and stayed strong. She wished, hoped, prayed and finally I was left with no option but to love her back for everything she gave me.

She says she's a Gundi (Notorious), Badmaash, Nakhrali and Mast Maula girl (like Jab We Met Ki Kareena, Aisha Ki Sonam, Hasee Toh Phasee Ki Parineeti) who everyone must have seen but I have seen her exact opposite personality which only lucky ones get to see. Soft spoken, caring, sensitive, emotional, loving, genuine, and last but not the least a CRAZY GIRL.

She never tried to impress me, attract me by her charm or faked her personality or said yes to everything just to please me. Instead she remained HERSELF which I liked the most. Now I know why people say you always fall for the ordinary girl, who's not like your ideal dream girl but in fact the one who makes you forget your imperfections and accept you as an individual without any conditions. The one who cares about your happiness, shares your pain, believes in you and your dreams and makes countless sacrifices and efforts to make you happy without letting you know.

Indeed she is a KHUSHI, because not only does she make me happy but because I have met very few people like her who cares more about others than themselves. She wants everyone to be happy. Today when people don't bother or think twice before using others for their personal gain, my khushi goes an extra mile for people, related or not. How can one not love such a person? It is impossible.

With each passing day I learned more and more about her and her life and realized she's not from space but her approach towards things was fairly simple. My khushi likes to keep things simple and finds happiness in the smallest of things like rains, raaste ki chai, vada pav, music, family; friends are her reasons of happiness whereas we have blocked our happiness in our future, goals and dreams. Khushi lives in the moment. This is what makes her special.

Now coming back to our story let me tell you what priceless experiences, feelings and lessons I have got from KHUSHI.

She's the first person who taught me always love the person and not the personality

She was the first person who made me realize that life is not so complicated…. She taught me to not overthink, get carried away and live life to the fullest.

She showed me that sometimes talking non sense can be fun. It's ok to not plan everything, how being disorganized and chaotic can be fun. How to be the prankster and still be everyone's favorite. Living carefree is a blessing which she made me experience.

She was the first person whom I fell in love with and experienced how does it feel to be in a relationship

She brought me close to my family, my friends, life and most importantly my happiness.

However it's not like she's all goodie goodie... Actually she's a foodie, very moody, does a lot of fights and drama because she believes that is what brings us closer to people. Gives importance to unnecessary issues, cries a lot without reason too and always does something ulta pulta….Total loss hai bhai. Making waste of the best is a skill, but I still love her.