
LOVE YOU till the end

After failing to save a terminally ill patient who happens to be a member of the aristocrat and her boyfriend breaks up with her, she drops in at a bar and eventually ended up in bed with a total stranger. She feels horrible and things gets complicated when the patient seeks her help. She asks that she marry her wealthy son, Darius, whom she wasn't in good terms with. Although the members of their Aristocratic family refused, after so much persuasion, Celine agrees not because she wants to but was threatened by her uncle who promised kick her and her sick sister out. She concedes to marry him but plans to annul it after the death of the patient as she wasn't one to be trapped down by a man but things take a turn for the Alpha female when karma comes knocking; she's one month gone and a life was forming within her.....she was expecting?? How would she fulfill her end of the bargain with such a big secrete? And there's no more chance to escape because the cold and aloof billionaire was now, head over heels for her.

Mary_stica2406 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 5

"I can not do what you requested of me my child", Doris said stubbornly.

"Then you can call this deal off", Celina said while adjusting the cannula.

"No dear, look at the bright side, you can get whatever you want, you will be among the elites and you don't have to worry about anything money", Doris convinced.

"And how far has the so called prestige and wealth gotten you, you are basically a terminally ill patient and your husband is yet to show up, I don't think money is everything", Celine said bluntly.

"How do you expect me to make peace with my stubborn son?, He technically killed his uncle , my brother, with his bare hands", Doris said a little frightened and sad.

"Well I can get married into a family where there is chaos while mother and son beefs each other", Celine said, stooping to take a seat beside her.


"But no...", Celine interrupted.


"But make peace with your son or our deal is off", Celina interrupted again, secretly smiling maniacally before exiting triumphantly.

"There is no way she would pull that off ", Celine smirked to herself.

"Pull what off?", Christian asked which caused her to jump in fright.

"Uhhm nothing", she answered, proceeding to her office and Christian followed suite.

"What do you want?", she asked calmly after recalling what Rose said concerning his feelings towards her.

"I am sorry for the way I spoke to you over the phone, I shouldn't have done that", Christian apologized.

"No problem, you are forgiven", Celina said smiling sheepishly.

"I think he's kind of cute", Celina thought admiring him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", he asked while chuckling.

"No reason at all", she replied while giggling with a flushed face. Her cheeks turned crimson.

"Well I have something to tell you", Christian asked while rubbing the back of his neck with his palm.

"Is he going to ask me out?, ", Celina thought happily.

"I kinda need your advice", Christian said.

"Okay go on", she urged him on.

"I met this new girl yesterday, her name is Tessy and I think I like her but I don't know how to talk to her", Christian explained all to the disdain of Celina.

"So go ahead and speak to her, why ask me? ", Celina said with folded arms.

"Hey, what's up? ", Christian asked, moving a little closer to her.

"Don't you..... You know..... Like me", she asked a little devastated.

Christian burst into laughter but stopped when he saw that she was serious.

"Wait are you serious?", he asked a little surprised. He use to crush on her but got over it when he realized that she was way above his league.

"Yeah I am", she replied.

"I like you but I do not love you", Christian revealed.

"So you chose someone you just saw over me, I've been with you for a long time Chris", Celine said still confused and angry.

She couldn't understand what was wrong with all the men in her life.

"I know but....", he tried to explain

"But what? Huh.... Forget it hmph", Celina said before walking out. She felt broken and down hearted but it wasn't really her that was hurt but her ego.

"He likes Tessy.... To hell with Tessy, I Shouldn't have listened to Rose, such a dumb man", Celina said in anger.

She was so blinded by her rage that she bumped into James, who had come visiting.

"Hey watch your step Mister", she shouted on him, "And why are you staring at me", she asked. She was too angry, to remember that he was indeed familiar.

"Guys with low tolerance to women..... Poor upbringing", she said to herself before walking away in a hurry.

Darius wasn't angry, instead he felt happy and surprised his Personal assistant by the name Dan was also shocked.

Why was his boss' eyes trailing that woman?

Why didn't he react to the woman's rude words?

"Do you want me to do away with her?", Dan asked.

"Whom?", Darius asked.

"The rude woman", Dan replied only for him to receive a cold stern from his boss.

"Don't you even dare to touch her or that would be the last day you breathe", he threatened.

"Yes sir", Dan replied, a little scared.

"So where's mother's room and I wonder why she called me today", he asked. His mood quickly switching.

"She wanted to tell you something boss", Dan informed.

"Okay let's go in..... lead the way", he commanded.

"Hello mother", he greeted while sitting at the edge of the bed.

"What do you want?", she asked.

"You literally called me here after so many years, I'm the one to ask you that, mother", he teased.

"Fine, I want you to do something for me", she requested before attempting to situp.

"What do you want?, I can give you all the money you need", he said.

"I don't need your money, just listen here", she ordered, still angry at him but couldn't hide the fact that she missed him.

"Okay", he replied, smiling slightly.

"You are going to be turning 30 next month and yet you are yet to settle down.....", she started off.

"....Not again mom", he interrupted.

"Listen to me..... I think I have found someone for you", she said smiling.

"Yuck...mom ", he replied and spat in disgust.

He only wanted one woman and that was no one other than Celine.

"What do you mean by yuck?", Doris asked, annoyed as she reached to slap his head.

"I hate arranged marriages", he said, smoothening back his hair.

"Sooo.... You left me with no other choice than to result to other means, I don't want my son to die a celibate or are you gay?", she asked, her eyes narrowing.

"No... But mum....",

"Don't mum me, just do as I say", she yelled at him.

"But I thought you wouldn't want to ever speak to me", he teased.

"I have forgiven you and my soul will rest in peace once you get married to her" , she pleaded.

"But mum...",

"What son?", she asked.

"What if I like someone?", He said while rubbing his neck shyly

"you?... Like someone? You must be kidding", she laughed.

"Are you saying I am incapable of loving someone?", he asked angrily.

"Well I don't know but I think so", she teased.

"Not fair mom", he pouted.

"Everything is fair in both love and war", she said mischievously.

"So can I see the picture of the highly praised woman that caught your fancy" he asked.

"Hey brother", Tessy screamed in joy as she saw him.

"Hey sis, what's up", he asked.

"Mom found you a beautiful bride and her name is Celine, the surgeon that operated on mom ", Tessy revealed happily.

"Really mom.... I'm ready to get married with her.... what was her reply?", He asked excitedly leaving everyone in shock. They expected him to retaliate for choosing someone from a middle class background.

"Do you Know Celine?", Doris asked very suspicious of her son's outburst.

"Something like that.... The main point is that I like her and I intend to get married to her tomorrow ", he said, smiling like a child.

"But boss, no arrangements has been made for your wedding ", Dan pointed out.

"I have no time for formalities or traditions, I will get married to her tomorrow before someone else takes her away from me ", he said.

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