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"Thanks Mom, but it's nothing. I still have a long way to go to expand my business in the Americas," Christian replies excitedly. 

Anne touches her left chest which hurts again, seeing how Christian's way of speaking scares Anne. 

"Mommy may ask you, Christ?" 

"Sure, what do you want Mommy to ask?"

Anne straightened herself slowly. "Elena, Mommy asks you not to be so hard on her."

Christian's face immediately changed.

"Mommy knows you're angry and disappointed with her, but you still have to use your common sense. God can forgive His servant, Christ..."

"Mom," Christian immediately cut Anne's words with a serious face. "I know what Mommy means, I know Mommy has good intentions but believe me Mom, that what I'm doing is the most natural thing an older brother should do to demand justice for what happened to her sister. So Mommy doesn't need to remind me besides, I still know my limits, Mom."