
Love without attack (Will be republish)

The mysterious death that occurs to a celebrity makes Fara have to bear the consequences. Where he was accused and forced to take responsibility with a sentence. Requires herself to run from the trap and end her relationship with her lover. While on the other hand, a man from the celebrity's child rebelled, forcing himself to be able to find the figure of the girl who was the cause of his mother's absence. However, a strange feeling arose over time, where he managed to find Fara, but that ridiculous feeling became an obstacle. "a little crazy, but I have absolutely no regrets for loving you." -Yasa

Intann_jinnie · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 006

The sound of friction between the wooden surface and the small door that smelled of worn frames, made a pair of middle-aged woman's eyelids slowly open. Immediately rose from sleep when she thought that the child might have returned. For a moment, she looked at the old clock that was stuck to the mossy wall in the corner of the room, finding the short hand that was already pointing at the number twelve, indicating that it was already early morning.

Most other parents would probably check up on their child when they found her coming home late at night. However, maybe the middle-aged woman will do it the next day, knowing that maybe the child is tired from the day's activities, and she doesn't want to be a mother who can judge without her knowing.

The sight she had right now could be said to be only half of what she had expected. Because, in front of her, Fara was standing with all black clothes that wrapped her body. Don't forget to grab a hat that Bryan gave her, which became one of her weapons to cover herself from anyone.

Also, the long hair that usually flowed beautifully to almost reach the waist, now flowed and was no longer than her shoulders.

"Fara?" Feeling jumped, but Fara still gave her mother a faint smile. Even though she had prepared an explanation that might hurt her mother's feelings.

"You haven't slept yet? Gosh, it's getting late." She still hopes that her mother can forget the questions that are swirling in her brain. However, back again to the fact that a mother always ignores other things in favor of the one thing that she thinks is really important.

Slowly, the fingers with slightly wrinkled skin touched her hair. Making Fara hold her breath for a moment, which ended up getting a questioning look from her mother.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you look like this?" Suddenly nervous with all her confusion, Fara didn't even know what to start with. She didn't want to surprise her mother if she told her without warning, fearing that she would have a heart attack like some soap operas she had watched.

This one problem is not so far from the news that some girls her age give to their parents. Where she claimed to get two straight lines when finished with her lover. Still lucky, Fara did not get a man who treats her like that. Even so, Fara certainly will not allow herself to be touched by a man who is not her future husband.

husband huh? She wanted to laugh sadly if she discussed it through her own mind. Living with a long life alone does not guarantee her at this time. Moreover, the criticism from almost all the humans around her wanted to immediately see her standing behind bars while whining and throwing a confirmation sentence that she really did that. Although in reality not at all.

A small sigh from the gap of her lips appeared, she rubbed the nape of her neck for a moment, slowly led the mother's body to land their buttocks on a long chair which directly faced the small tv that was also worn out.

"Mom, I'm sorry if Fara has always troubled you." She paused for a moment, the tightness in her gut was so domineering that she had trouble continuing the words that had to come out of her mouth. "Sorry, for the umpteenth time-"

Her words stopped, the mother grabbed both of her cheekbones, caressed them gently until their eyes met. Fara had difficulty holding the clear grains from falling, making her mother feel foreign to what she was witnessing at this time.

"There's a small mistake- no, I think it's a big one. I can't linger here, I'm leaving this place for mom's safety."

"What do you mean? Don't lie to me now. I will never let you go, you are my daughter, it's my responsibility." The woman's voice trembled, Fara could catch a hint of confusion and fear there. Unfortunately, at this moment it seemed impossible to get rid of the worry that plagued her mother.

"Once again I'm sorry Fara, ma'am. Fara has to go, live a good life even without Fara. Fara will come back-" Fara paused for a moment and continued in her heart, "if indeed I am still destined to be able to see the universe."

"If someone comes and questions me, just tell them I'm going somewhere you don't even know about." After saying a series of sudden heartbreaking sentences, Fara pulled the jacket that covered her body, immediately got up but her mother's hand again restrained her movement.

"Wait, isn't it all too sudden? At least one explanation can make mom accept it."

"I understand, mom. That's why I apologize. Fara has to go mom, don't look for my whereabouts before I find mom by myself." She really got up, this time there was no one to hold her back, but her feelings were still not so willing that she finally hugged her mother's body tightly before actually moving away from there. Armed with a body wrapped in layered clothes and a few pieces of her savings that she had set aside every day.

She's long, hasty steps made her a little overwhelmed, especially those clear grains that couldn't stop pouring things for a moment. Feeling that her legs were having a hard time supporting her weight anymore, Fara stuck her palms on a bridge railing, staring at the expanse of sea for a few seconds before smiling bitterly.

"Is this my path? God, you seem to have told me what to do next." Muttering softly while feeling the night wind blow against her face, Fara moved to take off her black hat which was thrown away. The gift from Bryan must be immediately removed.

Her pair of eyes looked at the jeans that were torn as a result of her falling, there was blood that seemed to be pouring out, though not profusely.

Her vision was blurry and wistful, considering that today she hadn't even touched any food, her body would have reacted that way.

However, what does she care? Instead, she wanted to release all the burdens that had piled up into one on her shoulders and head.

"I'm sorry, mom. Fara can't fulfill Fara's promise." She squeezed her grip tightly, as if the whole problem was in that empty grip, Fara wanted to be free from everything.

As soon as she made a decision, her mind was so confused that she felt she had no other choice. The only way she could use it was that, even though she looked stupid because of her shallow mind, the girl didn't care at all.

"I'll feel at ease after this," she gave a faint smile, where the smile concealed the thousands of wounds that had just slashed her.

Her body managed to penetrate the water which was quite deep, felt the air supply running low, her breath was choking because it was filled with water, Fara also felt her respiratory organs hurt. However, before he completely lost consciousness, he could feel a pair of hands pulling her from there.

Damn, that didn't go according to plan!