

Melanie , burdened by life's uncertainties ,seeks to revamp herself back to the top after losing her job Determined not to love again .will this decision stand when she crosse's paths with ken hank ,a charming but cold person who takes a liking to her ........ "focus Melanie he is just a distraction to your goals " Melanie kept on repeating to herself. "who is a distraction Mel" ken asked from behind Melanie "......."

Faith_Mbewe · Urbano
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2 Chs


"What! .No no no this is not happening.How can you do something this vile to me,after all my hard work this is what I get .Me? Fired? But why? I have worked my ass off trying to bring this this company back to its feet and what do I get for achieving that ,a dissolution letter?" Melanie burst out ."I am really sorry there is nothing I can do about the situation" said the head of department . "At least give me a reason as to why I am being fired . Your failure to provide me with tangible explainations as to why I am being fired is very concerning". Melanie cried out. I'm sorry miss but this situation is not in my hands." I request to speak with the CEO this instant!" Melanie burst out. " I am sorry but the CEO is currently attending to some important business and has requested that he should not be disturbed" the head of department said. "This is ridiculous! utterly ridiculous! "burst Melanie.


The water poured from the shower inside Melanie's apartment and beneath it lay a sobbing Melanie, her tears not visible due to the pouring water, her blonde hair stuck to her face like a second skin.shewas lost in her thoughts.


Miss Melanie Black? "Yes that's me" Melanie said. "Welcome to Aire cooperation,we are delighted to have you and we look forward to working with you and seeing how your potential can help uplift our company to greater heights". The head of department said". "Thank you sir ,I look forward to showcasing my talent and to prove my potential". Melanie said.....

Melanie got out of the water and dried her wet hair. After dressing up she sat on the bed still in her thoughts, when suddenly her phone started ringing . "Hello" Melanie answered as she picked up the call immediately she Saw who was calling. "Caleb?"asked Melanie,"Hello Melanie,I called to let you know that whatever you and I have can no longer work out". Said Caleb." Wha..what do you mean Caleb?,what are you trying to say?"said Melanie." Exactly what you heard Melanie"Caleb said to Melanie in a tone so foreign to her .he continued "I am sick and tired of continuously having to pretend that I love you just to get on your good books ". "Babe why are you doing this!!". Melanie cried out. "Because you are no longer valuable to me! Don't you get that!!,now I want you to stay as far away from me as possible". Caleb said and immediately cut the call.

Melanie dropped to the ground ,she felt powerless,defeated and completely lost . 'Why?' She asked herself,' why me !!' she cried "why why why"she continued. She felt like everything she worked for was in vain. Her boyfriend of six years saying such words to her was something she could never have imagined. Melanie felt helpless ,with no family to rally behind and losing the two main things that she found solace in.At 28 she lost everything, at that moment Melanie felt like the only happy place she could find was the grave. 'What's the point of living in a world this evil'.she thought....

"Fellow shareholders and board members present,I am pleased to inform you that under miss black's administration,the company's stock has risen by 70%, a pure milestone that has never been achieved in the history of this company's stock production," the CEO Mr Wales said. The board members applauded and they beamed with smiles of admiration towards Melanie's work progress. On seeing this Melanie smiled in contentment,happy to be recognized with such honour


Thinking back to the past Melanie thought,'were all those smiles faked? Was I living a lie all these years,was i ?' . These same memories were what made her push through the problems of life but now ,they just add salt to her invisible scars.


Morning came, already awake, Melanie's blue eyes brimmed with unshade tears , she had dark circles around her eyes and her face flushed red due to the continuos crying. Melanie spent the whole night contemplating on what to do next. She did not have enough money to survive even for three months as she did not have much saved up and her rentals we're almost due. After some time Melanie pulled herself together," no I shall not give up ,I will fight to rise!" She said Melanie vowed,vowed not to come back for revenge but to come back to show them what an important asset both the company and her ex boyfriend lost. Melanie promised to bounce back, to come back and to shine. Not to let her failures define her but to take every mistake as a lesson and a reminder not to ever be swayed by people's views of her.

With that newly found determination, Melanie got up and headed for the shower.

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