

This is a real life story, belonging to a human who has a big heart, and sometimes hates it. It starts off where she had her first love. Her first love, was someone she never thought she would meet with in any part of her life. Someone too good to be true. Someone she would sacrifice for to spend the rest of her life with and he would sacrifice his. Their bond was so strong, that it felt like a fantasy. Their differences were very short termed, that is when they came to a clear and settled agreement that fixed everything into place. As much as they were not that much of good looks or anything, almost all the girls of the area had their eyes and hopes on the guys, while similar was it on the girls side, but they both stood to each other, even though they knew that they had the love and attention of all the guys in their hood. It really seemed make believe. Sometimes they had doubts on each other, mostly whenever they saw someone more good looking or prettier than them with any of them, sure enough that they would win the heart of the other.

The hood usually had lots of dancing and music ceremonies, that usually gathered all the people to celebrate the happy moment of their present life. Through these ceremonies, is where the two met and built connection. It was on one of the days where, she got the chance to dance with her first crush, at the process of escaping one of the guys who was tryna force a dance, when he pulled her to his chest, and shielded her in his arms from the guy, as she breathed heavily, until the guy left. The girl drew to fall even more for this guy she had a crush on for years since she was 9 years. Till at that moment when she was 16 years, and the guy was 17 years. After all the commotion with the forcible dance guy, he turned to her and asked her for a dance. She could not bring herself to turning down the proposal, so they danced. It felt like a dream for her, having to dance with a guy that all the girls in the hood had to give turns to propose for a dance with him. In the middle of the dance, a drunk man suddenly poured the African milky alcohol all over her shirt after bumping into her, from his unstable walking. To her, this was so embarrassing for a first dance. The guy did not act disgusted or anything, as much as the alcohol smelled really bad, and the people around them started laughing and talking about the smell, that tears started welding in her eyes, he took her away from the crowd, to one of the closest washrooms, went in, and came out with his T-shirt, and presented it to her. At first she was shy and embarrassed, but he insisted. She then took the T-shirt and went in to change. Coming out from the wash room, he took the shirt and asked to dispose it, mostly because the smell could never wash off, and he did, and told her to keep the T-shirt he gave her. She agreed. He then took her hand and led her into the crowd to join the dance. The night was young and beautiful.

Days went on, as they came to become more and more fond of each other. People around them with desires on them grew jealous. That sometimes did things on purpose to cause a collision between the two, but in the end failed. Until when they came to start dating officially, the people were still hunting for the chance of their break up. There is a time when the guy started changing. The girl really got hurt by this, until one day she caught the him kissing a girl who had created close relationship with her, coming to find out is the ex girlfriend of her current love. He never said anything when she caught them, the girl did. She really broke and left without saying a word, leaving him with his ex.

From that day, she never wanted anything from her love, nor even see him, as much as he tried texting, writing letters and sending people. He knew she was hurt, and had no chance to make her believe him anymore. Till that day when there was a dancing ceremony, when he jumped on her from the back, closing her mouth with his hands and gripping her tight and pulled her away from where she was standing alone. She tried screaming, and fighting her way out from his arms but it was all in vain. She never knew who it was. Until when he turned her to him, meeting with her face washed with tears and her eyes already red, while she breathed heavily and traumatized. He did not let her go. As she started complaining and shouting at him for what he was doing, he reach her and kissed her hard, as she struggled to break the kiss, but he was stronger. She stopped fighting and cried even more, until he stopped kissing her. She then kept on asking why he was doing all that, and that she has nothing that belongs to him. That is when he started explaining everything that happened until she caught them. That before she came, he had gone to confront his ex to stay away from her and stop the games she was playing, him knowing what kind of person his ex really is and what she can do, and when she heard her voice, she suddenly kissed him and that is when she found them. He also explained that, that is the reason for him changing, once he came to know that his ex was close to her, he was trying to understand why she was getting close to her, and he did not like the relationship, and as well had to change so that the ex could know that he did not like the ex's presence with her. But she told him to stop talking, that it was no use explaining anything, and that maybe it happened to know what he was hiding behind her back. He further more explained that, if he told her that her new friend was his ex she would snap and do something crazy, that is why he just wanted to do something approximately without bringing any tension, and that he was sorry. He really was. He continuously said that he was sorry, and that he still loved her and he never wanted to lose her for his past stupid instabilities, until tears welded in his tears. She could not bear seeing him that way, but she was scared to believe him. That she told him, that she understands and forgives him, but she is not sure when again she would trust him, yet love without trust is just a page of misunderstanding and fights, and it would hurt her even more sharing that kind of page with him. He lost it, and broke down into tears, as he told her that he will tell her everything and no more secrets. Crying was something she never saw him do, even when he had pains over his family, he never cried before her. This melted the rage and disgust she had on him, and she hugged him tight in her arms, telling him that it is okay. The whole night ended with them sitting and talking about everything, and making different confessions.

Since then, their love grew stronger. All the weaknesses that tried to tear them apart, were all dealt with. Their relationship grew that they maintained it stably for 2 years, till they thought it was time to introduce each other to their parents.

One day, her family was having a small gathering to celebrate the Christmas day. All their family members were invited. Everything was so colourful and everyone was jovial. No one could stop smiling and laughing, as visitors came in more and more. It was when her love's family also came in as visitors, that they both became surprised and excited at the same time. They both did not care about why they came, but were satisfied with being with each other on that day. They ate, drunk and made merry. For a moment, when the family sat to start sharing memories, she was introduced to each family member. At this moment, it became her worse day, when her love was introduced to her as her far cousin. Everything broke before her, as well as it was to him. On the spot tears rolled down her cheeks, and when she was asked why she had tears, she just told them that she was happy for the moment she had with her family, and got up and went for the washrooms. This was the worst thing to ever happen to them. They were deeply in love, unconditionally. It was a great blow. For a moment when everyone was busy with each other inside, they went outside a place private, where no one could follow them. They were speechless. They just ended up kissing really really hard and cuddled endlessly, as they knew it was the end. The she looked up to him in tears, as rage, disappointment and pain drew all over his face, and told him that she is thankful for him allowing her to know what love really feels like, and that she will never forget any part of what they shared. Tearfully, he then said that, he never regrets anything. Even if she is his cousin, he will keep what she gave him in all their momen within, and that he will be there for her no matter what. For a long moment they remained silent, sobbing their tears in each other's arms.

Right after the Christmas and New year's session. She was taken to another county, that was away from the hood, in Mombasa. Away from him. Away from everything. Her parents had decided to move to Nairobi, being that her parent's job was shifted there, where she enrolled to a new school, with new people. It was hard for her to socialize with anyone, being that she still had the pain in her, knowing what she lost was something she would never get for all her life counts, and scared of getting the same pain. The same was to Mwaeba who was haunted by all the memories he had with Yaceey. To be continued...