
Do you like him?

Gosh i hate school i don't understand if there is actually a person that could like going to school? But it did gave me a precious thing in my life my best friend Jen. Gosh what would i have done without her in my life.

This was the first time i and jen spended the whole summer apart and had a pact to not tell what happened all summer until we meet so here we go first day of school i really can't wait to meet her i was walking on the hall way when i bumped into this guy (he was the most handsome guy i have ever seen wow people with good looks exist) he said i'm sorry and he left i still can't believe how handsome he is i text jen - ( i think i just the handsome guy in my life) Jen texts me - (i can't wait to here about it where are you? ) Me - (i'm in the hall ways i'll be in class in 5 can't wait to see you ).

I finally met jen it feels so good to finally meet i missed so much, we were talking about our summer when the same entered our class i was like what the hell is actually happening he is my class i was convinced that this will be best year UNTIL he entered the class and kissed jen and she told me that he was boyfriend Cody that she met this summer.