
Love that Spans Realms

"C'mon Kirin let me see!" "What!? No what are you doing!?" "Hey stop.. wait… don't touch that!" "Oho! Shy are we? We are both girls there's nothing to be shy about!" "Wait..Shou!.. 'splash!'... ahaha… not there!" "Ohhh ticklish in that spot? Where else hehe..." Varick … Ruishi … Ze … Jun … _______________________________________________________ Kirin is a girl who has been orphaned and left alone with a mysterious past. Even more is her link to the future. Varick comes from another realm entirely, dragged there by accident and joins the crazy fate along with others. Love rivals all in this slow but no misunderstanding love story. Join them as they span the realms and learn to fall for each other.

LadyAdhara · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

She Fell?

Ji handed Shou the bag and she bolted like a lightning strike into the bushes to change, excitement flashing in her eyes. Though, when she popped back out, Shou , she looked down at herself and felt a twinge of unfairness, after taking a fleeting glance at the rest of the group's new look, she really felt like she was short changed for a moment. That is until she glanced in Xiezhi's direction, the look on his face, the unfathomable emotions in his eyes, how could she misconstrued that look? She wore red and gold arm guards, leather body armor, a red and gold short skirt, red collar with a golden bell that has a healing effect, and slipped on a pair of golden hand claws as a weapon that had an earth element that adds more power to her attacks. In all fairness it set off her tomboyish features perfectly along with her inky black hair and yellow slanted eyes. She really was pretty breathtaking.

Just as she was about to comment, there was a loud boom nearby. Before anyone could react, Kirin was attacked from behind with a large magical net. As she was being dragged off everyone else sprung into action attempting to break her out that net as carefully as she could. She was effectively being pulled towards the edge of the cliff. Panic began to fill Varick's heart and before he could even think he threw himself onto the net and clutched the strands tightly. 'If she goes I go with her!'

"Varick what are you doing!? Leave don't go down with me!"

Looking at Kirin with a painful and longing expression in hIs eyes he softly reassured her, "Wherever you go I go, I won't live in this world without you, not after being alone my whole life. I finally found the one I need and I won't let you leave without me… even if it is in death."

There were no words left in her mouth at that point as complicated emotions began to form in her heart. She knew about love but never had been moved before. She turned towards the cliff then back to Varick's resolute facial features, a small bitter smile formed on her lips, as her eyes shone with a determined light. Just as she was about to go over she slammed a strong magical force towards Varick's chest sending him back several meters away from her. By the time he looked back up after hitting the ground in a loud crash… she was gone. Everyone huddled at the edge but no trace of her could be seen.

Tears flowed down Varick's face as he tried frantically to leap off the cliff to follow her, before he could leap off Ruishi grabbed the hysterical boy and dragged him back, then pinned him down as he tried to talk some sense into him. Everyone's heads were lowered, some had tears rolling down, others just had the look of defeat on their faces.

At this point it was Xiezhi who spoke up, perhaps because of whatever it was that he had gone through with Shou he refused to allow it to happen to anyone else. "There's still hope, none of us saw her fall only vanish! With this she must still be alive, we have to find her…" He walked over to Varick and gave him a vicious slap to wake him out of his stupor. Once Varick calmed down he spoke softly to the boy, "She must still be alive, how can you find her and rescue her if you are like this? Do you love her?"

"That… I am not entirely sure, I care for her I know this but… love? I have never felt it before so how would I know? What I do know is I can't lose her!"

"Then get up and let's find her, why are you sulking when the future isn't exactly clear right now?"

Seemingly in an internal dilemma, Xiezhi allowed him to stew into his thoughts for a time. 'Do I love her? I must if I can't stand to be away from her like this, worrying for her, wishing to see her smile… but if she is gone… no I can't think of that right now I have to find her, Xiezhi is right.. For all we know she fell into a portal, But who could have known where we were at this moment? According to Xiezhi there are no major crimes here.. And we have been so far ahead of our pursuits… I have to save her!"

"Let's go!" Varick resolutely sounded off pulling everyone out of their reverie. Standing to the side Xiezhi held a small smile, proud of the change in the young man. 'She needs someone strong by her side, not just physically but mentally or this world will no longer survive. If she can see the beauty of love… just maybe we have a chance… I wonder if everyone here knows about the truth behind the legend…' Xiezhi thought of all of this and continued to follow along with the rest of the group while staying by Shou's side.

After examining the cliff they found a trail down but before that Ze had tested for magical residue. After finding it they realized she hadn't fallen. With that now they needed to track it. This was where Ao Qing came in to play. She can detect magic and trace it like a bloodhound.

With her using the scent of magical residue, they followed the little things squeals and squeaks through the mountainside and down into a hidden pathway which led to a cave system. The walls were lined with geodes and crystalline structures. The glittering sight was almost magical to the eyes. The wide range of colors and depths, shapes, and sizes one could not help but be fascinated at the sight and wish to snatch them up. As the light from outside faded the sights in front of them changed again, sure they were still the same structures, the difference was that now they were all iridescent and glowing in various colors and hues.
