

Loud bass music beat through the speakers while a man clad in gym shorts did his push ups. His shirtless muscles gleamed as if piled and beads of sweat dropped down his face to the ground. The angular face and the eyes though showed the man's anger. Also in a corner lay a punching bag which had already been torn and was now in a mess in the corner.

This was the scene that Shi Ai came home to. One would think that such a sight was common to her but it wasn't. Ah Hai was a creature of habit who usually preferred to exercise outdoors though he had a high leven gymnasium built inside his home. So when she had heard the loud beats,she had been curious and followed the sound. Happy for this treat of watching her man,Shi Ai took her time to observe the line of his back and the muscles in his arm which bunched and shifted with every push up he made.