
Love So Sweet

The first time they met, the little boy had pulled her hair, hoping to get her attention. When they met at the kindergarten again, the boy was glad that the girl had no longer remembered the previous incident. However, getting close to her was not an easy task as the girl was always surrounded by others who admired her. Once the boy finally got the girl’s attention, his family decided to move to another country. Years later, the two of them crossed paths again. This time, the boy pulled the girl’s hand, heading straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Holding a newly registered red book and meeting her gaze, the corner of his lips finally turned up as he finally got her absolute attention. --- Entering WPC 265 - Childhood Sweetheart --- Cover Illustration: kirinlukis --- Shared universe with: 1. Loving You Too Much 2. True Love and Other Lies 3. A Lifetime with You 4. You're My Only Star 5. The Dragon Beside Me 6. Commander Qi's Runaway Wife 7. The Wedding Planner's Romance 8. The Author Must Die

zetsubouaichan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
984 Chs

What about Mu Zhen Yu?

On the next day, Zhang Li Xue picked up Fang Su Jin at her house and drove her over to the art gallery that her friend wanted to visit.

The two friends were walking around the place in silence.

Fang Su Jin was obviously admiring the painting and art pieces, while Zhang Li Xue had her mind somewhere else.

Fang Su Jin was looking at one of the paintings and turned around, wanting to discuss the art with her friends. Her movement halted the moment she saw that Zhang Li Xue was acting strangely.

Zhang Li Xue who did not understand much about art was standing in front of a painting with a strange dazed on her face.

After watching her friend for a while, Fang Su Jin decided to walk over to her friend and peeked at the painting.

"What do you think about this painting?"

The voice snapped Zhang Li Xue out of her trance.

She turned around and saw that Fang Su Jin was standing beside her while looking at the painting in front of them.