
LOVE AND SIEGE chapter one. Stolen harmony


Decades ago far into the east, where the nobles of the south greeks dwelt. it was Alkanenia a land of peace,warmth, and Harmony. The power of royalty was with a noble household the Kalvin's, ruled by a king. King Anrold and queen Stesia and their sons Vanon and Greg along side their only and last daughter Taciana. The kingdoms peaceful legacies and co-existence lasted for many years. Until the romans oppossed their peace.

They waged for great war against the Alkanenians. And the reason behind it so far was baseless. On the fourth moon of the greeks. Late into the night was masscre. The roman kindom (Galcia) broke in with their men. They first invaded the outskirts of Alkanenia. Made away with all gold and silver coins of the poor farmers, raped their wives and daughters. Successfully into the kingdom, they waged more havoc to Alkanenians. Just has it happens in reality it plays vitually in the king's sleep. He woke up at once . He burst into the balcony at the peak of the castle,he cried. He houses of subjects on fire and heard loud cries of the people. "no...."Arnold screamed. He wakes up the queen with the loud chants of his grief. The queen jump off her giant bed and approached her husband. He rushed out of his chambers and stumbled down the hall.

"Festus....del vangar!" He called in fierce the name of his right hand man and commandant of the army. who was already in serious sex intercourse with maiden. Festus name echoed again. He jumps down naked has he hurried to wear his robe when the king burst in meeting him half naked. The maiden struggles with the blanket has her breats dangles. Arnold drags out Festus out of the room, before they got to the main lobby. Armed men of the knights and army where already awake and trooping out. They banged the giant bell for a alarm. Vanon, greg and Taciana gasp out in shock from their sleep at the same time. The Galcians where already at the castle's gate . Just then Alkanenian army burst out of the giant doors waging their rivals tightly.