
LoVe Secrets Game

When a game starts to become popular, Janess, starts to play it. But since she said no at first she finds herself actually inside the game. Now in a new world she must figure out what is going on? And why she is here? Will she leave? Find love? Or die with at the end all alone..?

GeekyCryBaby · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Episode 1

"Hey there! I'm Madi! I'm the host of this little game! I just wanted to talk to you before you go into this without knowing anything! So! In this game you will be entering a whole new world! You will meet new people from all over the world! Some may be romantic interactions! Or friendships! You will be the one to choose how you want to play! Enjoy! AND most importantly have fun!!! BYEEEE!"

A girl sits in her gamer chair in front of her computer. She rolls her eyes as she finishes reading the email she got. 'Can't believe people actually play these dumb ass games. Just so they feel like someone is loving them.' She scoffs. Her hair was long. It ending at the top of her butt. It was a natural brown. Short bangs ran across her face as well. Her makeup was neutral. A small mole sat on her right cheek. She wore a plaid shirt with grey tights. Her boots had a little heel but not too much.

"Janess!" A boy with part of his hair shaved while the other half was longer and bright pink, walks in the doorway of her room. He also looked just like her. You could tell they were clearly twins. "You know if you don't move your ass this minute Miss Perfect will be on you for the rest of the week."

She groans as she turns off her computer. "I know." She stands up as she does she also grabs her phone and purse. "Lets get to class." She walks out. Locking her door.

Kids roamed the halls. Some couple making out while others either creepily watched or was talking about some new video game that just hit the stores.

"Why can't we just live off campus?" She asks the boy next to her.

He rolls his eyes. "And miss all the juicy drama that goes on in this building? Um no!" He flips his one side of his head. He had somewhat of black eyeliner on.

Janess rolls her eyes smiling. "Of course your noisy ass would love to live here, James."

"Did you hear about that new game?!" One student asks another.

The other one nods. "Yeah! I've been playing it! Who did you choose? I chose Blake! He is sooo dreamy!" They blush as they think of him.

"As if! I chose Lily! She is so damn sexy!" The other says.

"I don't get why people love this stupid game so much." She walks through double glass doors with James. The sun hits them both.

James rolls his eyes. "Of course you would hate it."

"What's that suppose to mean?" She glares at him.

He shakes his head. "Hey, all I'm saying is that since, whose name will not be spoken, broke up with you last week, you've been totally out of it. All you do is mope around and tell people how fucked up everything is."

"I do not!" She stomps her foot angry.

He crosses his arms.

"Okay! Give me a example." She taps her foot as she puts her hands on her hips.

He shakes his head frustrated. "You won't like it. But fine." He sighs. "Just yesterday, Sid was talking about her grandmother being in the hospital and all you could do was tell her all the bad things that can happen to her grandmother. Any NORMAL person would have just hugged her and told her that she was going to be okay. But nope. Not you."

She sighs. As she remembers Sid running off crying. "Okay. I see you're point.."

"It's okay. She forgave you after you bought her ice cream." He smiles.

She looks at him strangely. "But I didn't buy her ice cream."

"Well, according to her you did." He walks off. "Have fun at class!" He shouts as he goes inside one of the many buildings.

Janess sighs. "Dork.." She grins. Her smile fades as she knew how class was going to be. 'Yay...' She walks toward her building.

*Next Scene*

"All I'm saying is that if we had better artist we wouldn't have this problem." A girl, with a short black pixie cut explains in front of the class. She wore a dark blue dress with a belt around her waist. Everything about her was "perfect".

"I know, Miss Henness, but we aren't here to discuss that right now." The teacher groans as he rubs his forehead. She had caused him a bad headache and this was the 20th one in a row this week.

She rolls her eyes. "I'm just being honest."

Janess raises her hand.

"Oh great. The class pet has something to say." Miss Henness says as she goes back to her seat.

The class lets out a small laugh.

The teacher groans. "Be quiet. Miss Henness stop starting drama that isn't needed." He looks up at Janess. "Janess you may speak."

Janess stands. "Well, I get what Hanna was saying, but I would like to remind her that this isn't art class. This is history and she should know better to not get those two subjects confused. Since neither really go together." She crosses her arms as she sees Hanna's face become angry.

"That little..." Hanna stands up quickly. "I would also point out that art does sometimes go into history." She glares up to Janess. She smiles. "And that if she wanted to talk about "history" she should note that she has "history" with my brother as well. Since after all she cheated on him."

"You little-" Janess goes to say but the teacher cuts her off.

"That's enough! Now both of you stop this stupid act! You both need to act like grown ass woman and not little girls!" He groans. "Why did I ever agree to become a teacher..."

Janess growls as she sees Hanna mouthing the words slut. 'I won't let you win.' She slams her hand down. "I DIDN'T CHEAT ON HIM! HE WAS THE ONE THAT DID!"

"Well, who would my sweet brother even cheat with on you?" She grins at her. Knowing how deep her cuts are.

Janess bites her tongue. 'I hope you rot...'

"THAT'S IT! BOTH OF YOU LEAVE MY CLASS! I will not have your childish ways in this classroom while I try to teach!!" The teacher stomps his foot.

Hanna rolls her eyes. "Wouldn't be first and it won't be the last." She grabs her books before leaving the class.

"That means you too Janess." The teacher glares up at her.

She rolls her eyes. "I know." She walks past him. Slamming the door shut. When she walks out she takes deep breaths. 'Not now!..' She holds her chest. 'Damn it!' She looks around. 'I need a place to hide.' She walks down the halls. She rushes into a janitors empty closet. She falls down slowly. Still holding her chest. 'I...2...3...4 5....6...' Her vision goes back to normal. 'Good...good..' Her phone dings. Causing her to jump. 'Damn it!' She pulls out her phone as she stands. 'LoVe Secrets...this dumb ass game almost gave me a heart attack...' She opens the email. 'I don't know why they keep sending me these dumb things..' She reads the email. 'Weird..'

"Greetings! I see that you haven't answered our message so you probably didn't see it or don't want to play. That's fine! Just leave a answer at the bottom and let us know why! Thank you! Have a brilliant day!"

She rolls her eyes. 'I seen your stupid message. I just don't care for it..love it dumb...' She gets reminded of her brother saying how she has been hateful lately. 'Damn it!' She sighs. 'Maybe I should just give it a try.' She looks at the game. 'Maybe it won't be so bad..' She clicks download. She is surprised when it downloads fast. 'That was fast...' She opens the game. 'Guess I'll be one of those losers that love when a virtual boy tells me how beautiful I am.' She laughs as she thinks about it.

"WELCOME TO LoVe Secrets! We wanted to know how old you are!"

'21..' She types in.


'Bet some kids lie on that one..' She grins.

"Before we get started we seen that you didn't want to download the game at first. Why is that?"

She raises a brow. 'Huh?'


Her eye's widen. 'How did it-'

"Know your name? Heh! We have been watching you. Since you didn't answer us at first..."

She throws her phone. 'Oh hell no! I cursed my phone! Stupid game! Stupid James!' She groans.

A bright light shines from the phone. "Are you ready?" A voice from it speaks.

She stares at it. Scared.

"Cat got your tongue? Heh! That's fine. We will let you enjoy the game while we get things ready for you...hope you enjoy the game! We know we will...."

Suddenly, her hands begin to get sucked to the phone. 'What is happening?!' She looks scared and confused. Her whole body begins to get sucked in as well.

When she awakes she slowly opens her eyes. 'What the hell happened?' She slowly lifts up. Rubbing her head. Sand around her. A little breeze from the ocean. She looks around and gets freaked out. She realizes she was wearing a bathing suit. 'The heck?' A beach ball suddenly falls by her. She looks over to see people in bathing suits all looking at her.

"Hey babe. Can you throw that back to us?" A boy with short spiky black hair yells to her. His abs were dripping from sweat and water.

She looks at him confused. "Seriously...what the fuck is going on?"