
Chapter 19 Sell All the Cars and Houses

Cicely took out the things in the safe one by one and suddenly felt that she was ridiculous.

She planned to sell the houses first. She didn't have much time, and those houses were the least needed.

She turned on the computer and quickly posted the information about the villa on the Internet. In order to sell it as soon as possible, she offered the lowest price possible.

She didn't really need money, but she didn't have much time to wait.

Sure enough, soon someone called her.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Wales? Is the villa yours? Are you sure you want to sell it for 30 million?" The man's voice was polite and gentle.

"It's my villa. And yes, I am selling it for 30 million dollars." Cicely was very patient. "I haven't lived in that villa yet. It has been decorated it. I've posted photos of it. It may require some cleaning but it shouldn't be a big issue. It has a sea view and you can see the beautiful sunset from the window."