
World of its own

Blaze arrive at Mr. Lincoln’s huge building with just a tiny bag. She stood in front of the huge gate and scan everywhere. “ This man must be multimillionaire” she muttered but a hand tap her from behind but she didn’t turn to look, she knows who owns the hand.

Be very careful, don’t leave any details out, I need to know everything about him, his wife if he has any, his children and where the school, if possible his net worth.

“What will you do with all that?” Blaze ask without turning to look at Sandra.

“Just do as I say, three weeks, you have three weeks to deliver. I know you can” Sandra disappear before Blaze could look back.

“She’s gone!” Blaze began to walk towards the house, there were guards everywhere but she was one person who is not afraid of this kind of things, maybe that is why no man has ever look her way or even consider her as a woman.

“Hey… stop there, who are you, and where are you going?” one if the guard armed to the teeth start walking towards her.

She hand him a note that Mr. Lincoln had given her the other day.

“Follow me”  he took her to a room and they took everything from her searching her inside out before letting their master know she’s here.

Well…well… well, who do we have here, I know you’ll come, follow me” Blaze followed him into another building separate from the one she first entered. Pressing a button a door opened to an underground building way bigger than the first two.

Inside was a world of its own, Blaze has never seen something like this.

“Welcome to my world, everyone and everything you see here is mine, I created them and they are mine.”

Blaze can’t believe this, this is a world on it own!, “those the clan know about this place?” she managed to ask a little bit afraid.

“Well a few people knows, but the government’s know nothing about this place, Mr. Ambrose and few others knows,  but people like Mr. Wale and his likes are dying in there numbers just to get a glimpse of it glory.” He smile wickedly at Blaze who keep gazing at Mr. Lincoln as he speak.

He took her to this magnificent office and make her sit in a glass chair. She look there the glass wall and saw people busy doing all kinds of business that she can’t even tell.

“What are they doing?” Blaze ask still looking at the people without looking at Mr. Lincoln.

They are minding their own business, do you want to see more?” she turned to him but didn’t say yes. But the man knew she will like to see more, so he took her to his plantation of coke.

“What is this?” she ask amazed.

“Plantation of drugs of course?”

“Are you not afraid” she ask him.

“Of what?”

“If showing me all this, I could tell the clan you know”