
Where am I

Few minutes later she woke up in a bed with food and a nurse standing in wait.

“Where are am?” Sandra look around, she’s in a beautiful room well furnished, she breath in a sign of relief, she has see enough horror for the day.

“Who are you?” She ask the beautiful lady standing over her and smiling so beautifully.

“I’m a nurse, I will take care of you” she said smiling but Sandra wasn’t comfortable with that smile.

“What am I doing here”

“Well, you collapsed, but is okay now, you can go back to sleep”

“No, I want to go home” she was still talking when Mr. Lincoln walked in and the nurse walked out.

“How are you little angel?” he ask with a wicked smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

Sandra didn’t said nothing but was just starting at him.

“Don’t be afraid of me, is Alex you should be afraid of” he walked close to sit at the bed with Sandra.

I know what he did to your family” Mr. Lincoln said and Sandra sat upright at the mention of her family.

“He killed them”

“That’s a lie” she yell at Mr. Lincoln but he just smirk.

That is because he told you is a lie, truth is he indeed kill your parents with the help if Blaze and Sandra.

“Stop it, what are you saying?, I was there when they killed my parents Alex didn’t come with them.”

That is where you got it all wrong, if he shows his face to you would you still love him knowing that he killed your parents.

“Stop it, Alex is innocent”

“Yeah, …. He is innocent, but think about it, did you see what he turned into today?, that will give you a clue of what he is capable of doing”.  He then walk away leaving Sandra to think about it.

 She was so confused, she didn't know what to believe. She tries brushing it  out of her head but what she saw Alex turned into keep coming back to her.

Alex was worried about Sandra, about what she will think, about how she’s doing right now.

“Please calm down, let think of a way to get her out of there.” Clara tries calming him down.

“What about Sandra, will she freaking out?, she saw me change”

“I don’t know, let’s just hope that she understands”

Jack keeps walking around in his cell that looks like he is on vacations, he was surprise how they will bring him here but instead of putting him in a place of suffering they gave him a beautiful to sleep and freedom to walk about.

“You like what you see?”. Mr. Lincoln ask him as he gaze at the people walking about carrying stuffs he can’t recognize.

“What are those?, and what are they working on.”

Those men are carrying chemicals, I am building chemical weapons, we use humans for our experiment.

“Huh…, Jack turn immediately to look at him.