
Where am I

He turned around trying to recognize where he was but he didn't think that he was still with his friends, he didn't even think if he is still on earth.

“ Where am I? take me back now” he commanded trying to be courageous.

“I won't do that if I were you Alex” the voice said.

He tried to ignore the voice and looked forward, but he saw a female figure struggling in the shadow. He walk very carefully towards the figure, he tried his best to recognize it but he couldn’t because he started seeing people like tiny shadows walking about.

His voice was gone, he felt something warm dripping down his cheeks.

“Wait, is that not my mother’s voice?, mum!”

“Alex place help me, they are going to kill me” he heard the voice but is like he was dreaming, he moved his hand to touch the warn drippings on his face but it was his own blood. “what happen?” he tried to reason but another blow landed on his head and he went quiet.

“Nooooo…., Alex place wake up” his mum ran towards him but a hand sized her.

“He’s dead. The clan now belongs to me” the man told Alex mum as he lie there unconscious, all she could do was cry.

“You won’t get away with this” Alex’s mother spit on him and the man gave her a slap that silence  her.

“Take her away, and kill”

 “Yes boss, what should we do with him?” they ask pointing at Alex who is still unconscious.

“Throw him into the pit he's dead”

“What is going on?, Sandra what are you doing? And who are these men!” Clara ask as she saw men Trooping into their house.

“Am sorry Clara, but the clan now belongs to me and my father, you were not informed, my sincere apology.”

“I don’t understand”

“Tie her up” Sandra gave the order and the men tied her up.

 “What is going on and where is Alex?”

“Alex is dead, your father and mother are dead too”

“What! How! When? He was here, I mean he went to see…. He just went out to see his friends”

“Yeah, but he’s dead now and guess  who killed him?... My father” Sandra said.


“Yeah, sorry sweetheart I know is heartbroken but that is what it is.  Take her away” she commanded and the men took Clara out of the house. She was too shock to think, it’s like a dream, she thought of calling her mum but the men took everything away from her including her phone.

“Lock her up” one of the men said. From his look one will only be right to guess that he is someone from the top ranking, he is fair and good looking, he didn't handle Clara roughly but made sure that the other men did not treat her badly just the way that Sandra has  intended to.

“Why are they doing this to me?” Clara ask the man who stood guard over her.

“I don’t know, I think it has to do with something about the clan” he said looking this way and that way to make sure he was not heard, if not he will have to pay with his life.

“I see,” Clara said, although she has been expecting something like this to happen but not so soon , and definitely not Sandra and her father. they betray them, they trick them. “But where is Alex?” Clara ask the man again but he was unwilling to give out further information.