
Unwanted visit

At nightfall, Lily tried the Incarnations for the seventh time before they could get out?

"Oh thank goodness, I can’t imagine myself being born in a place like this” Sandra said looking back at where they are coming out from.

Blaze and Lily roll their eyes, they already know who she is so they just keep quiet while she orders them around and talks lofty talks.

“I have to leave you girls here,” Lily said because she can’t go with them wherever they go.

“Why! Where will you go?” Blaze asks, pleading that she go with them but Sandra doesn’t give a damn.

“She can go wherever she wants to go, after all, I don’t have use for her,” Sandra said nonchalantly but Blaze asked her to stop.

“You want her to cast another spell?” Sandra asks making fun of Lily because they are out of the forest so she can do whatever she damn fit.

Lily has nothing to say to her, she knows Sandra more than anyone, she was there when Sandra was born, and she saw go grew up to be a spoiled child so she is not surprised at her behavior. Lily has just taken a special liking on Blaze and wants to help her get her own life.              

“Don’t worry about me, I will be fine and if you need my help just call, I will hear you” with that Lily left them and they continue on their way, but they start another argument when Blaze suggests they go to Lincoln first and explain to him what happens while Sandra wants them to go straight to Brian house for him to take them to where Sandra the fish seller is.

Getting to Brian’s house the whole family is having dinner when Blaze and Sandra walked in, Blaze stands at the door crossing her leg and leaning on the door pole with her hands cross around her chest. She was silent and didn’t know how to react.

“What do you girls want again this time?” Brian’s mum asks getting tired of this harassment.

“I’m not here for you, I’m here for your son, he has something that belongs to me” his mother turn to face Brian but he shook his head. “he’s my son, if there is something you want me to know please do tell me,” the mother said to Sandra.

“And I said I don’t have business with you” she yell at the woman but Pat stood up.

“Did you just yell at my mum?” she asked walking closer to Sandra but her mother stopped her, she is so afraid of this girl, she didn’t want her only daughter to die, but what she can’t understand is why they keep coming here and how did Brian get involve with them.

Brian, on the other hand, was not ready to tell his parents the truth, only Pat and Brian knows what is going on and they are not ready to tell their mother how Sandra is pregnant for Alex and how Blaze with this witch here are planning to take Sandra to Lincoln and all of that, she will just freak out.