
Under a spell

"I know what you did Alex” Evelyn was mad at him when they were done having sex.

“What do you mean?” He asks as he puts on his clothes and looks at her.

“Why did you pull away”

“Pull away how?”

“Don’t play with me Alex, I know what you did,”

Alex walked closer to her, took her hands, and ask “What exactly are you talking about?”

"Withdrawing, you didn’t cum inside of me, and I told you I want us to make babies.”

“Babies!” Alex smirked with a wicked smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

“And I said yes, we will make babies but not this night okay” he bent over to kiss her but she walks away.

“I don’t like this Alex, you don’t love me” she went to the window fold her hands across her breast and stare out the window.

Alex walks across to her and hugs her from behind.

“One step at a time, huh.., I will make you happy, but I have a lot on my hands, if you want babies I will give you babies, but just not now.”

“Why?” she asks and turns to face him. “am I not good enough for you?”

“You're perfect, and I love you, okay here's what we do, after my Coronation, I will marry you, then we can have babies, lots of them.”

“Really!, thank you” she kissed him over and over again and they had another round of sex.

He went home but was confused “What have I done? Did I just make her a promise? No! Alex, you can’t do this, why did I make her such promise?”

He brought out his phone and call Jack.

“What? Are you high on something? Please don’t do anything till I get there”

Alex looked at his phone “Did I say I was doing something?” He muttered and place the phone back on his ear. “Okay, I’m waiting”

Jack arrive and they went outside so Sandra won’t hear them talk.

“What did you say? You can’t give her the position of a queen!, oh sorry, I forgot you’re not a king, but you can’t make that kind of promise to her, revoke it now!” Jack commanded.

“Revoke?” Alex ask.

“Yeah, I mean what about Sandra?”

“Sandra?” Alex asks looking back into the house “What about her?”

“What do you mean? You promise to marry her”

“And I will, she’s going no were, she’s my wife already, just help me with this problem now, how do I break the promise I made to Evelyn?”

"Let me get this straight” Jack walked closer to him. “Are you saying you don’t want to marry her but you made her the promise?”

“Yes, I was carried away, I didn’t know when I made that promise”

“Are you saying you were under a spell when you made that promise?”

“Spell? No, I’m not under a spell” Alex said.

"Yes, that is how people who are under a love spell talk, they will never admit they are under a spell” Jack said as he examine Alex from head to toe.