

“Is been three weeks now and Alex is yet to report a single case, I hope you are not telling me to believe Mr. Lincoln's observations about him!” The spiritual head asks Vampire.

“I’m sorry my lord, maybe he’s in a situation at the time, I will check up on him.” He said bowing in front of the man as he is vibrant with anger.

“Tell him, I gave him one week to report to me, I keep getting news of bad things happening everywhere and he’s doing nothing about it!” he stamp his foot in anger.

“I’m sorry, I know he will deliver” Vampire pleaded on Alex's behalf.

“We had a deal Alex!, this is not one of them, what is wrong with you?” Vampire held Alex by the collar of his shirt and shakes him violently while Clara looks on.

“Don’t make me regret fighting all these years for nothing, you better get your ass together and go out there, do your work!” he yells in Alex's ear and he has to cover his ear with his hands.

“Talk to him,” Vampire said to Clara and walk out in anger.

“Don’t” he raise his hand to stop Clara as she moves closer to him after Vampire leaves.

“Then I will have to kill her!” Clara said and hit the table forcing Alex to lift his head.

“And who do you want to kill?”

“Evelyn, she’s been a lot of distraction to you, and I know her father is the mastermind of this game”

"Please don’t, Evelyn knows nothing about this, I can handle this okay, just let me handle this, I don’t want innocent people dying because of me”

“Suit yourself” Clara stormed out of the house and went back to Jack.

“How did it go?”

“Not well, we still can’t find her”

For a second Alex went blank, he can’t seem to understand anything, and his eyes started to rotate, he held his head and begin to call for help but no one was there to help him.

He fell to the floor yelling but no one to help, and he lost consciousness.

“Oh my God! Alex wake up, who is here?…Alex can you hear me? Wake up” Evelyn shakes him vigorously, but he is silent, he was still breathing and so she rushed him to the hospital.

“Why am I here?” he ask when he woke up and looked around.

“You lost consciousness and I have to rush you to the hospital” she explained to him.

"I have to go now”

"No!, no, no, you need lots of rest, your body needs it, you are so exhausted, what kind of work are you doing lately” she reached out to touch him but he pushed her hand away.

“Why? Did I do something bad to you?”.

“No is not that, but I have to leave.”

“You’re not strong enough, you still need rest”

"I will do that when I get home” he climbs down from the bed and takes one step but fell and luckily Evelyn was right on time to catch him.

She catches him up and places him back on the bed. “So stubborn huh?” she muttered as she covered him with the bed sheet.