
Turning nun

If he says yes, that will sound too quick so he said “What do you think?”

She smirked “ I know what he’s doing” she mumbled but didn’t answer his question.

He pulled closer to her seeing she wasn’t answering his question. Her heart began to race. “Is he going to hold me and kiss me?” Blaze imagined in her head and close her eyes as he move close to her.

“Why don’t you want to answer my question?”  Brian asked her and she felt the air from his breath brush through her neck sending down chills on her spine, she has never sat this close to a man.

 “Open your eyes, why are you closing them?” he smirked seeing how she closed her eyes so tightly and wondering why she suddenly becomes this shy, she is as bold as a lioness, so what's going on!.

Brian took her face in his palms turning her neck gently so she was facing him now, he bend over to kiss her but she stood up and ran into the house holding her chest in her hand.

Her heart wanted to pull out of her chest, she wanted this but she didn’t know it will be like this.

Her heart was racing and she finds it hard to hold her breath.

‘Are you okay?” lily ask her and Sandra got up from the bed.

"Did he do anything bad to you?” Sandra asks and she shakes her head.

“Then what?”

“He loves me, but I don’t think I’m ready for this?”

Sandra sighs and went back to bed but lily was on her side hugging her.

“Why are you not ready?” Lily ask

"Because it won’t work” Sandra replied.

“You just shut up, I wasn’t talking to you,” lily said angrily at Sandra.

“Don’t mind her, she’s just been stupid."

Brain wonders if he has done wrong, “I hope she’s not angry about me kissing her.?"

He wanted to go after her but went to his room instead, he didn’t want to face the other ladies or snakes! He muttered and went to bed.

The next day Blaze was shy to face Brian, she was so scared because it will be a whole new experience for her.

Never kissing a man in her whole life, and now things are about to change all of a sudden, it frightens her that she would turn the other way if she sees Brian coming.

“What is wrong with her, she was so bold to ask me if I loved her and then turn to pin guilt on me.” He decided to let her be.

“Why are you avoiding him?” lily ask Blaze when she noticed it.

“I’m scared”

“Of what? Of him?”

“No! I’ve never done this before”

“What! Never?”

Blaze shakes her head “Never”

“Wow! That’s new! Where you planning of becoming a nun?” lily asks her.

“And what’s that?”

“A nun is the term used by humans to describe a woman, a woman who's dedicated her life to religious observance. Most nuns spend their time praying or meditating and doing service work in their communities and not having sex or getting...

“Stop!” Blaze yelled at lily covering her ears and Sandra could not help but laugh at them.