

 "It was fat mousey who told me to ask you about my father”

“What! You talk to mouse and it told you to ask me about your father?”

“Yes, mummy” she starts to cry.

“Come here” Lillian ran to her mother and she carried her in her arms.

“I’m sorry” she pets her to stop crying but she was so afraid. “My daughter can not be like Alex” she muttered, “what will people in her school say.?”

She has been saving up so she can send Lilian to school and this? No, it has to stop.

“Lilian can you hear me?” she raises her face so that Lilian is now facing her.

“You will be like me okay” the little girl nods.

“You are a normal child okay?” she nods again.

"You will not talk to that mouse again, do you hear me?” she nods again.

"Good girl” she hugged her so tightly as she keeps repeating. “My daughter can not be like Alex.

“Who is Alex mummy? I want to see Alex"

“No dear, Alex is nobody, okay, don’t ask of Alex is no nobody”

“Okay mummy, but don’t cry again”

“What! I… I’m not crying” Sandra wonders when she saw her cry, she has never cried in front of her before.

Sandra searched everywhere for that mouse but they are gone.

She set a trap for them, “I will kill your mouse!” she yells but the mouse saw her and the trap she set.

“What did we do to her?” the fat one said crossing its legs and relaxing on one of the old books as they help themselves by eating some of the old books

“Well, maybe she doesn’t want us to talk to Lilian."

"Hmm, I’m cool with that,” the fat mouse said, “I don’t want to talk to her either”

"Stop it, she’s our friend, how many humans talk to us?” the other mouse asks

“Well if you ask me, I don’t think she’s a human!” the far mouse said.

“Why do you say so?”

“How many humans can hear us talk? If she can hear us, then she must be some special human, I think she must have some powers you know”

"Stop it, you are just saying nonsense, she’s just a little girl who is just happy with her life, not all those old humans who are frustrated with life and want to vent their anger on us mouse by killing us” the second mouse yells with anger.

“hey. Hold up your anger because right now your best friend's mother wants to kill you” the fat mouse pointed at the trap.

“Yeah, I will just tell Lilian to get rid of that stupid trap”

“What are you guys yelling about?” Lilian heard the noise and came to the bookshelf as her mother got busy with work.

"Be careful Lilian, that trap might catch you” hahaha they both laugh at her.

“What trap?”

"Look down there, your mother wants to kill us,” the fat mouse said.

“Stop it” the other one helps the far mouse's mouth to prevent it from talking more.