
Too dangerous

Sandra curiously listens to them and wonders why every one of them is willing to give their life up to protect her. “Is dangerous” she told Clara when Jack left to meet up with Brian. “What you guys are planning is too dangerous."

"We will take our chances,” Clara said smiling. Sandra could see how excited she was and she thought maybe is because of Jack that she was smiling so bright.

“You like him that much?” She asks Clara.


"I mean Jack, do you like him that much?” Clara just blushed, it was like hell not seeing him for that long.

“hmmm, you like him,” Sandra say smiling at her as she refused to say something but instead blush.

Brian was happy with the new development, at least they should do something to defend themselves since the police can not do anything to help them stop Lincoln.

“So, do you have any weapon” Brian ask Jack but he shook his head?

“Then how do you wish to fight them?” Pat asks coming out from behind them, she has been silently listening to their conversation.

Jack with Brian turned simultaneously, to look at her.

“What are you doing here?” Brian asks and wants to walk her out but she said.

“I can give you guns” the shock showing on both Brian and Jack’s faces was enough to send her running but she stood with all boldness.

Brian looked at Jack who blinked at him severally, they can’t believe what they are hearing.

“Guns!” Brian asks and she nodes with confidence.

“Excuse me,” Brian took her aside.

“I hope you are joking?” he asks so curiously.

“I’m dead serious, and God helps Sandra and Blaze because this time, I’m blowing their heads off.”

Brian couldn’t believe his ear, when did this happen? the little Pat of yesterday, how come?. He opens his mouth in amazement.

“Is everything alright?” Jack who has been waiting to hear more about the guns, walked up to them still discussing.

“I told you I have a gun” Pat proudly told them. “There is more where I got that from, and I can give each of you a gun and if you need men to help out I got them also."

Brian keeps blinking at her but she didn’t give a damn.

“Are you in or should I go?” Pat ask looking from Jack to Brian but neither of them spoke so she walked out on them.

“Guy want is going on with your little sis?” Jack asks Brian who is so surprised.

“How will I know? I’m surprised as you”

Jack went home and told Clara about Pat offering to help but Brian was against it saying his sister is just bluffing and don’t have a gun.

“But she won’t be playing around with such a thing,” Clara said.

“Yeah, I thought so,” he said lowing his head as his eyes met with Clara’s.

“I told you this thing is getting dangerous” Sandra told Clara when they are alone.

Dangerous or not, we need to do this once and for all, and I will personally meet Pat myself.