
They are here

“I think you’re right, we need to find that Sandra and take those boxes, they contain mums documents of her real estate business and the other box a key, she ask me to take the key to the bank when I'm ready. But I don’t know which bank, she didn’t say”

Alex regret never taking the time to ask his mum questions, he was away concerned about his childish interest. Now he regret never been matured enough for his mum to tell him everything he needed to know.

What about his dad?, he knows nothing about his dad, his companies, his investments, nothing. And all that would have been the result of him not getting matured enough to know about those things.

But he blame his parents in a way, why will they see him as kid when he already finished the University?, he was ready to learn everything about them and their business but instead they keep introducing him to the wrong people all in the name of position and power, now see what has happened.

“Don’t worry, we will get to know about the bank latter.” Clara said and walk to her room to clean up and change into her own clothes.

She has been putting on the dress Jack bought for her, and now is all stained in blood.

She wash it and after drying she thought of giving it a special place in her wardrobe. She smile at it remembering what they both went through that night, she smile again and close the wardrobe.

“He’s still a child” Clara muttered but got startled as she turn her face from the wardrobe. Alex was standing there looking at her.

“Wo..wo..wo… you startled me, don’t ever do that again” she held her chest and Alex laugh, he misses those days when they use to play such games at each other.

"Sorry.. but you acting strange, why are you smiling and talking to yourself, is there something you’re hiding from me?” Alex walk to the wardrobe and opened it.

“What’s here that is making you happy”

“Nothing… just stop it and go away” she push Alex aside and close the wardrobe smiling at him.

“You need to tell me what is making you happy you know” Alex said and start walking outside.

“Nothing to tell ok, just go”  she keep smiling at Alex while he use his back to leave Clara’s room.

He didn't see the men and they grab him, knocking him down.

Clara thought she heard noise but not quite loud, she starts to tiptoe to the sitting room but he saw men standing round Alex with guns and Alex kneeling in their circle.

"Tell me, how did you manage to escape death huh!.., are you now immortal?” Clara heard Sandra ’s father asking Alex and she thought “that man is a monster, acting all good and turning around to kill his own friend!”. She grind her teeth and clench her fist…

She was about rushing out to face them when he heard the voice again.

“Where is your sister Clara?”