
The wedding must happen

"Look, I kept to my word, I treated your daughter right,” Alex said grinding his teeth at Lincoln as they speak in low tones.

“Alex, Alex, when will you grow up? What has treating my daughter right got to do with what I want?, get her pregnant, that is all I ask.”

“Then give me time”

Lincoln scoffed at him. “Time to do what? You are getting married, when will you give me the child I ask for?”

“But I can still give you my child with Sandra”

“No, no, no,” Lincoln said walking round Alex,  "I don’t have that time anymore, I have a new proposal for you”

“Which is?” Alex ask afraid, he didn't know what he will ask this time.

“Step down as the head of the clan, and stop investigating me and my project. Is  none of your business, what I do with those humans.”

“I can’t do that, but I will stop the investigation if you allow this wedding to hold."  Propose, knowing that Lincoln will surely be a disaster to the wedding.

Lincoln smiled, “You know you can’t be trusted Alex, I can’t take your word for it.”

"I mean every word I said, let the wedding push through and I will stop all investigation about your project but I can not step down."

"Hmm, just like your father huh? But I like you, smarter than your father though” he pat Alex’s shoulder.

“Only if you marry my daughter, take it or leave it”

Alex was lost, he has to take it because the wedding preparation are going on and he can’t disappoint Sandra this time, this wedding must happen.

“Fine, but only if I marry Sandra first, then we can set a date for Evelyn,” Alex said confused.

“I'm good with that, keep to your promise Alex!” he said making sure the others heard his last statement.

“Shit!” Alex cursed and Jack with the rest hurried to him.

“What did you promise this time?” Zack ask and Alex looked at all of them, he didn’t know how to tell them.

“Say something Alex!” Brian shouted at him.

"I have to marry Evelyn, that is the only way I can wed Sandra tomorrow in peace, he threatened to kill everyone at the wedding, and I can’t let that happen”

Zack was frustrated at Alex” and you didn’t think to tell me? How can you make such a promise?”

Jack cleared his throat, “If he can handle two women, is fine with me” Zack has had enough of these foolish boys.

“I’m out of here” he left them and Jack came to Alex, “you can do this right?”

“Zack is right, I’m been stupid, Lincoln won’t stop asking”

“Hey. Guys! Care for this?” Clara came out with drinks, she was so happy that Alex is finally getting married to Sandra and not Evelyn.

Jack took a glass and they all did the same but with gloomy faces.

“Hey. Am I missing something? Why are your faces like this?”

“We’re fine” Alex fakes a smile but Clara knows him better than that.

“Alex, tell me, is Lincoln here again?”