
The show down

“I'm sorry if I disturb anything, I'm leaving anyways” Clara walk past Ella to the door but Jack stopped her.

“What are you doing?” He whispers to Clara,  “You know you can't go outside, and we need  to find Alex too”

 “What has she got to do with Alex?, okay, let me get this straight” Ella walk to Clara, facing her and sized her up and down.

“You are one of Alex numerous girlfriends right?, but let me tell you this, Alex  can run for all I care, but if I ever catch him, he will have me to deal with.

And talking of Alex, what are you doing with his friend dress like this?, No…no..no..no, am not done talking” she shut Clara up as she was about telling her that Alex is her brother.

“You even have the guts…to sleep with his friend, what a loser you are?". She almost poke at Clara’s eyes.

"Alright, I’ve heard enough” Jack drag Ella out of the house. “Just leave ok, and don’t come back.”

He drag her to the front gate and lock the gate.

“Who is that, and how does she know Alex?” Clara demanded to know because she has never seen Alex with a woman apart from Sandra, she has always had some level of respect for her brother even though she didn’t show it. But this girl…. No, Alex can not go out with this kind of girl.

“Well…she.. she's Alex girlfriend in school.”

“Really?, how come I don’t know her?”

" That is because Alex don’t what anyone to know".

“Yeah, I do same if I were him” she muttered.

“Let’s eat am hungry” Jack took her back to the sitting room “And I like your dress” he smile at her but Clara wasn’t smiling.

“Where did you say Alex is?, I want to find him”

“We will, but first let’s eat, tomorrow we will go to the police and report the case of a missing people.”

Clara almost jump out of her seat. “No.. you can’t do that” they have never involved the police in their case before, they always deal with everything their own way. Getting the police involved will expose them that's exactly what Clara don't want.

“But why?, your life and that of Alex is in danger, we need to get the police involved.

The police can not solve this, is too dangerous, getting the police involved will  complicate the whole issue.”

“So what do we do?”

“Look for him ourselves, or if you can't then don't worry I will look for him myself.”

“No, I'm coming with you, there is no way you can survive out there all by yourself. You’re a woman”.  Clara just scoff at him, he may see her as a woman but she can take down three men at a time.

She always behaves herself around humans  because they might not understand her.

“So that girl is Alex girlfriend and what business dose she have shouting at you?” Clara suddenly ask Jack and his  spoon almost drop down his hand.

He wasn’t prepared for such question. And if Alex find out about him and Ella there’s going to be a huge show down between them.

“S…She..I....I think she’s also looking for Alex, but that’s not my fault that Alex didn’t want her anymore.,.. you see?”.. He keeps stammering.