
The rules

“Who was that?” Zack asked Pat, he wanted to be sure is not her boyfriend.

“Why do you ask? And besides, I don’t know why you are here”

Zack pulled her by the hand and she almost landed on his chest.

“Is he your boyfriend!” he asked and Pat could see his eyes turning red.

“Of course not, besides your hurting me,” she said looking down at her hand, Zack’s grip on her was so harsh that it hurt.

"Oh, sorry” he let go of her hand, Alex watched from the car, “What is happening with them?  Have they started fighting already?" He smiled, "Zack..., bad guy, I know you were just pretending”  he muttered.

"I will go, but you are going to tell me who that guy is to you and what you are doing in this horrible place” he left her alone and went to the car.

“Move this car,” he ordered Alex and without argument, he move the car, as they drive home none was talking, but Alex has had enough of the silence.

“She says no, right?” Zack turned to look at him but said nothing.

“Okay wait, she rejected you, right?”

Alex asked again and this time Zack look at him with a killer eye. “Just do me a favor and shut up”

"Hahaha, Alex laughed at him, “I knew it, she rejected you, I wanted to tell you but you won’t accept my advice so I just followed you here, you need to know how women think, you can’t just get rejected just like that, you should have asked me the code and she will come running to you” Alex went on and on until Zack hit the steering and the car almost went over the hill.

“What! What did you just do? We could die by accident you know” Alex said holding his heart in his hand, he was so scared to death.

“Really?” Zack asked, “If you die here, like this, by accident, then you don’t know who you are,” Zack said and Alex came to his sense.

He’s right, if the car went over the hill, he can simply transform into a dragon and flew away.

“But that was hash,” Alex said as he tried to pull the car back on track.

“You are so loud,” Zack said.

“I’m just saying the truth, use this code and you are good to go”

“And what code is that?”

“Rule number one, don’t let a babe fall your hand, meaning, don't let her go untouched. Rule number two, ignore her and always look good. Rule number three, make sure to always look cool and sexy in front of her, but ignore her at the same time, she will come running."

“Hmm, those are pretty good rules, but they are for womanizers,” Zack said.

"I like her, and I can’t ignore her, but I just don’t like the guy I saw in there with her.”

"Wait a minute, she’s with another guy!” Alex asks in surprise, he didn’t see any guy when he walked back to the car.