
The rescue

“Alex you have to hurry, save her and stop Lincoln from his evil plan.”

Alex wasn’t quite sure of what to do but he left anyway.

“Where have you been?, I’ve looked everywhere, I was planning to go back to Lincoln’s house to look for you,” Clara said so worriedly.

“I’m fine, I went to see a friend,” Alex said but Clara don’t believe him, she knew something is up and Alex don’t want to let her what it is.

“You’re bothered, what is going on?” Clara, ask Alex seeing the way he was looking.

“Can I ask you a question?” He turned to face her.


“Is it possible that Sandra could be pregnant?”

“I don’t get you, where did you hear that from?”

“Never mind” he set out and Clara followed him.

“Alex talk to me about what is going on”

“Sandra is pregnant and I need to rescue her before Lincoln uses the baby for his evil plan.” He said without stopping.

“But I don’t understand, what baby are you talking about?, because the Sandra I know is not pregnant” Alex stopped and Clara almost bumped into him.

“A man told me today that Sandra is three days pregnant”

“And you believe him? who is he anyway?”

“I don’t know, the paper in the box directed me to him, dad wants me to meet him”

“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Clara yells angrily.

“Am sorry about that, I thought it was not necessary”

“Fine, have it your way, I’m done” she started back home leaving Alex to continue on his journey.

Getting there the security was so tight, but he change to one of the guards and walk inside.

He searches for Jack and Sandra in the cell houses but there are not there.

He almost gave up when he heard some men talking.

“I heard she’s pregnant for the most powerful Alex.”

“That girl must be very bold to sleep with a monster, I heard he can change into a dragon,” one of them said.

"I even heard he can change into a snake."

“What!” Alex almost yells, he has never changed into a snake before, they shouldn’t be lying about him.

He kept looking for them until he came to the chemical plant where a lot of things are been produced.

“What the hell is this?” he walk closer and he couldn’t believe that Mr. Lincoln has been using the humans and some of their kind for an experiment.

“Sandra!” his heart skipped as he thought of the possibility of Lincoln already using her.

He went from room to room, opening and closing doors until he came to the room where Jack is.

“Jack… oh… my goodness thank God you’re still alive.” He rushed in to hug him.

“Who are you?” Jack was so surprised that this guard knows him. Alex has forgotten that he is using someone else’s face he went on talking and talking.

“Have you seen Sandra?”  he ask but Jack didn’t say anything he was just looking at him wondering if is a setup.

“I’m Alex, is me”