
The gods

“Are you sure you can do this?” He held her asking her to lean on him while they walked but the pains are becoming unbearable.

She bends over trying to kneel in the middle of the road but Brian manages to take her to the side of the road.

“I have to carry you to the hospital now” but she refuses.

“I will be fine, just do me a favor, go without me....”

“What! I can’t leave you here” Brian cut her off before she finished what she was about to say.

“I’m not asking you to leave me, but get me soon pain killer, if you go a little further you will see where to buy one”. She tries to discharge him.

“Okay” Brian ran off at full speed and Blaze called Lily.

“Lily can you hear me, I need your help, I’m dying”. She waited but she didn’t hear anything.

“Lily can you hear me!” she called looking around the bushes if, she could see Lily crawling out from the bushes.

“Lily….lily” she called out, with the last of her straight and collapsed on the ground.

“I’m here, I was a little far away,” she said but Blaze wasn’t responding.

“My goodness what happened to you?” she looked her over and then enter a little further into the bush and get some leaves, she use them and made some incarnations and placed them on Blaze's nostrils and within minutes, she sneezed, and woke up but still weak.

“Lily.., I’ve been trying to call you, where have you been? I almost died”.

"Oh, sorry, I’m here now” Blaze showed her the wound and she place her hand on it, speaks some unknown words, and the wound healed but then Brian rushed back with some pain killer.

"Here, the medicine….” He turned to look at lily.

“Who is she?”

"She…sh..” Blaze is confused, about how to describe Lily to Brian.

“I was just passing by and I saw her lying there, she was almost dead, so…so I thought I should help”

“Really? Oh thanks” he said and held Blaze pulling her away from Lily because Brian thought the woman looks strange.

“Thank you, w..we have to go” Brian took hold of Blaze and they started walking away from Lily.

Lily could only smile but Blaze talked to Lily from her head, telling her they see again.

“Don’t worry about me, just enjoy yourself”. She smile and left.

Brian noticed Blaze was no longer in pain.

“What happens to you? What did she do to you? He examined her and she was okay, even the wound is healed and no trace of any scar was found.

Blaze pretends to be surprised too.

“I think she’s the god of the forest,” Brian said.

“Really?” Blaze asks amazed, turning to look around the bushes.

“Yeah, I’ve heard stories of gods living in these forests, I was scared you know, she must be so kind to heal you"

Blaze listens to Brian without interruption as they walk along the road going to look for Pat.

“It must only be some gods that can make your wounds heal in that manner." He continue.

“I agree,” She said stealing some glances at him now and then as they walk side by side.