
Tell me his name

“Who’s there?”  Blaze got up, walking towards the sound she light a fire with her powers and lily could see that the fire is in her hand but she wasn’t burned by it.

“ Oh my goodness, what have I done?, she is going to kill me” she tries to run but Blaze saw it.

“Oh my goodness is a snake” Blaze yells and lift her hand to strike the snake with the fire but lily cry out.

“Please…. Don’t kill me I’m not a snake”

“What!, you talk!” Blaze ask amazed, she has never seen a talking snake before, I mean she has been seeing lots of creatures but a talking snake!... No way!. “Hahaha, I know this is all a trick, Sandra thinks she can scare me, am going to kill this your talking snake” she raise her hand again to  strike lily but she quickly turn to an old woman.

Blaze move away quickly, not that she’s afraid of the old woman, but she didn’t  want to take chances.

“Who are you and why are you in here?, who sent you to spy on us?” Blaze yell at the old woman.

“I’m not a spy, I just can’t leave this place, I have been living here for the past seven hundred years” lily said and looked at Blaze who did not believe her.

“Hmmm, nice try; seven hundred years huh…, do I look like a kid?, I’m taking you to my mistress. You will have to explain yourself why you are down and in the storehouse for seven hundred years.  We've not even been here for that long so why will you be here for seven hundred years?”

Blaze brought out her phone to call Sandra but Lily stopped her.

“Wait, who is your Mistress?, is it that one that hit you?”

“None of your business”

“Fine, what if I tell you that the guy you helped is your future husband?”

Blaze puts her hand down and face Lily “ What do you know about him?”

“Not much, but I can see you with him, and I can tell you where to find him, that is if you promise not to hand me over to your mistress.”

“Hmmm, how am sure you are saying all this things just to free yourself?”

“If you don’t believe me then I will tell you his name” lily said and then pause, she wants to make sure that Blaze will save her life after this.

“Ok, go on”

“No, you must promise not to hand me over first before I tell you his name.”

“Good, I promise” she really wants to know his name and maybe to find out if he feels the same way she feels for him.

“Ok, his name is Jack and he is not of your kind.”

“What!, but he said that he lives near by”

“Yeah, he only told you want you wanted to hear, but I still see both of you together.”

“How can you say that when we are not the same, he will hate me if he finds out that am not like the rest of the humans.

“But you’re not bad, you can only breathe out fire that is all, is not as bad as Alex who will change into a snake if he ever sleeps with Sandra.

“What!... Did Sandra knows about that?”

“No, Alex didn’t want to tell her the truth, he wants to keep her by his side, poor thing, I pity her” lily said with a sad look.