
sued for rape

“What’s she planning now?” Alex couldn’t do anything because he was so tired.

He did hear any bad news for the rest of the day, so he went home.

“Alex you have a letter” Sandra gave him an envelope.

“Thank you,” he took it from her and went into his room, “I will open it later,” he told Sandra because she was expecting him to read it aloud to her, she’s his wife.

Alex opened the letter when he got to his room, is a little from Evelyn's lawyer, she filed a lawsuit against him for rape.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Alex asked, but quickly puts it in his pocket when he heard Sandra coming.

“This is bullshit,” Alex throws the letter in front of Evelyn.

“So you came even though I didn’t call for you,” she smile at the letter.

“You stop it now. What are you trying to do? Tell me, how much do you need I will pay you,” he brought out his phone to make the transfer.

“Alex…, you think everything is money right, you will marry me or face the law, you raped me,  period, I have the doctor’s report,” she shows him the report, she has taken Alex's sperm when he was with her to prepare the doctor's report.

“You are insane, you know that?” he asked her rather calmly.

“Yes Alex, I’ve gone mad. I’m madly in love with you. I didn’t stop you from marrying that Sandra. That is because you promise me,”

Alex was exhausted. He sat down not knowing what to do or how to make Evelyn change her mind.

“Do you want me dead? Just say it, your father sent you, right?”

“Leave my father out of this. He didn’t ask you to make me fall in love with you. Now I can’t unlove you. "

“Sandra will leave me, don’t you understand?” he’s almost crying now. He didn’t want to be harsh with her. Perhaps she will change her mind.

“Then let her leave. After all, I want you all to myself. "

“I can’t marry you, I’m sorry,” Alex said and left. He was hoping by crying Evelyn will change her mind, but he just realize not every woman is soft like Sandra who will forgive him no matter what.

“See you in court,” she yells after him.

“To hell with you,” Alex said, kicking a few things on his way out.

"Who cares if you broke a leg?” Evelyn said as she saw Alex kicking her stuff on his way out.

“Where did you rush off to? You just got back from work and I was preparing your meal?”

"Oh, sorry about that, I just went out to take something….” He pauses and looks at Sandra long and hard.


“Promise me, you will trust me no matter what you hear about me,” he held her bringing her closer, “you are my life, don’t leave me”

“Is everything alright?” she asks curiously because Alex is behaving like a woman right now.

He smiled at her, “Everything is fine, let’s eat. "