
Still strong

"Am out of here” Pat stormed out of the house while Brian brought the food and give it to Blaze.

“Thank you,” she said lowering her eyes, she has never had someone take care of her for a long time, she was always the one taking care of Sandra but not a day did Sandra even cares if she dies or lives, she only has no choice because Sandra is the only family she’s got.

“Your sister, she is very angry and I understand,” Blaze said feeling shy to even look at Brian while talking.

"Yeah, I know, but who wouldn’t? And by the way, why do you always stand without helping Sandra? at least you guys would have killed us faster.” Brian asks but it sounds like a joke.

"Are you serious? You won’t have loved me to help her kill you guys? You know that would have been faster” Blaze said because if she decide to help Sandra she would have killed them all in a blink of an eye.

"No, I'm only joking,” he said and brought his hand to feel her forehead. “You will get a fever,” he told her. “I need to take you to the hospital”

“No, I will be fine” she was waiting to get out of there then she will call Lily and the wound will be healed instantly.

“Are you not afraid of me” Blaze manages to ask Brian.

“No, why will I be?”

“You saw that right? The bullet, hanging midair” she said hoping for Brian to frack out but he has seen something more than that, Alex even turns into a monster right in front of him so that is not a big deal.

“Of course, I saw that, but is nothing” he feels her forehand again. She can’t believe how they are just connecting so fast.

She tries to speak to Lily in her head to see if she’s somewhere in the room manipulating Brian but she didn’t respond.

“Wow! So he loves me already” she muttered but Brian has not said so, he has not said he loved her, he was only helping out.

Pat can’t believe what just happen, they were lucky enough to get Blaze and Sandra and all Brian could do was ruin her chances of killing those girls. She was so furious she didn’t know what to do.

“I will kill them by myself, I hate you Brian” she clutches her teeth and fist and walks into a bar to get drunk.

Is getting late in the night and Pat is yet to come back, Brian and his parents were worried “she’s very angry with you” Blaze told him.

“Maybe we should go and look for her” Blaze offered but he refuse.

“Your hurt, you can’t go with me” but Blaze insist telling him she would take on five guys in her state.



“Okay, let me get my jacket” they both walk the lonely road with Blaze bending to one side due to the pain. The bullet only brushes her flash but it is still very painful plus she has lost lots of blood.