
Sold out

When the men finish searching, they came out to give their report. 

“Clear sir, we can’t find her”

“Hmm, smart move,” Lincoln said to them smiling and nodding his head.

“I will make a smart choice if I were you,” he said to Zack’s mother. “Don’t listen to your husband, bring me the girl and be free”

He turned to his men “Take her” he ordered his men.

“Huh..” Zack stepped in front of his mother.

“She’s going nowhere” he block the men who were approaching his mother.

“I won’t do that if I were you, boy stay away from this, is between your parents and me”.

Both parties have a lingering issue that they have been managing ever since, but it looks like Lincoln wants to take it to the next level, he has been looking for the perfect opportunity to deal with them.

And here is a perfect opportunity he has been waiting for.

“Take her away and if anyone tries to stop you, kill him” he ordered again and Zack's father drag him aside letting them take his mother away.

“Dad!, why did you do that! You should be defending mum and not let them take her just like that” Zack said so furious.

“You don’t understand, I can’t lose both of you or even all of us, we live to fight another day,” he said and took out his phone to make a call.  

“What?” Zack doesn’t understand, what if he kills his mother?.

He stood in front of his father not satisfied with that explanation.

“Look, I did that to buy us time” we have to go to safety before we go to rescue her, your mum understands” he added and that gave Zack some peace.

He hurried to call Clara and Sandra but he stopped as he saw Adora talking with one of the men with Lincoln.

He stood and try to hear what they are saying, they were far from where he was standing so he couldn’t hear clearly but he heard Adora yelling at the guy.

“That’s my mother, you guys can’t take my mother, that’s not the bargain”

“I'm sorry, but things turn out that way, we couldn’t find the girl, so until your family brings her out, your mother remains with us.”

He walk out on Adora and Zack went to meet her.

“What did you do?” but she was silent “Answer me, what did you do?” Zack yelled and Adora quivered, she has never had Zack shout at her like that, but still, she said nothing.

Zack drags her to their father. “ask your daughter what she did” Zack yell.

“What did she do?” the man was surprised at Zack, He has never seen Zack this angry at his sister, she is his favorite little sister.

“My dear what did you do?”

“Nothing, I don’t know what he’s talking about” she keeps defending herself.

“She’s the one who sold us out to Lincoln”

“What!, tell me is not true, and for what?” her father as now furious.

“I didn’t do anything wrong”