
So Strange

“Guys how far?”. He tried to strike up a conversation but Jack turned to look at Brian and they just keep on with what they were doing.

“You guys should not be like this, am dealing with something I can’t explain” he finds himself saying but pause immediately he realized himself.

“I thought you’re acting strange lately and you just confirm it,” Jack said “ so tell us what are you dealing with?, We are your guys, we will help you out, whatever it is ”

“Is not something you can help me out with”? Alex said feeling sad because he thought that maybe something bigger is coming, he starts to think about what Clara said which is “stay away from his friends”.

“Leave this guy alone, will you?” Brian asks Jack. “ you see he’s married and yet he still needs Sandra, what could be more complicated than that?. I believe that is why you can’t help him.”

“Jack thought Brian is right,  remembering that Alex is already married but has refused to introduce his wife to them, he has been hiding her away from them.

“That is not what it is, what I'm talking about is bigger than that,” Alex said looking so serious and it made Jack pay close attention to him because he has never seen Alex so tense.

“Can you please tell me what you are going through? Like seriously we need to know.” Jack said to Alex but Brian got up from his sit because he thought that he saw someone spying on them.

“Who is that!” he ask. Because he saw someone moving very fast away from them but he can’t tell if is a he or she.

Before he could turn to face Alex and Jack he saw Jack on the ground rolling and Alex trying to help him up.

“What’s going on?”

“Guys you need to leave this place, they are here” Alex said and start moving to the direction the figure went.

“Who is here? And where are you going?” Brian ask Alex who is already walking away from them, and turned to look at Jack who is struggling with his life.

 “What happened man..?” But Jack couldn’t talk, he keeps pointing and making signs and Brian has to rush him home.

Alex heard a voice behind him and turned to see who.

“Looking for something boy?, I just thought I might find you here” the voice said, even though it was day Alex couldn’t seem to see who was speaking, he keeps turning around.

“Leave my friends out of this, if you want me, then here I am. You don’t have to get them involved”

“Hahahaha” the voice laughed at him. “Alex, how ignorant can you be, your friends are already involved”

“I’m warning you, stay away from my friends, and why are you hiding, come out and show yourself, come and fight me” he said with a trembling voice but to his surprise his voice was echoing  like he was speaking from an empty hall', it made so many sounds, making Alex afraid.