

“And you think I don’t need it?” Clara asks with a straight face.

“Something is wrong Clara, what is it?” Alex asks her more seriously now, he knows that she’s not happy but he didn’t  know why!”

“Do you honestly think that you are the only one who deserves to be happy here?” She asks in a harsh tone.

“Am I missing something here?” Alex ask confused. “Just tell me what is bothering you."

“Jack, I love him, I know he’s your friend but I love him.”

“Look, just leave Jack alone, he doesn’t deserve you, besides he’s way younger than you” Alex tries to discourage her from her decision.

Alex knows the kind of friends he has, they all are fond of breaking girls' hearts. Alex did not see Jack changing anytime soon even though he has changed for Sandra. And what is worst, they will always behave as if they don’t know you after breaking your heart.

That is what Alex is avoiding, he likes Jack so much because he kind of knows his mind and he reason somehow likes him.

“The boy is not complaining and you are making me look old,” Clara said and demanded to have the bangle because she was planning on visiting Jack, who knows! they might end up together today.

"But what will I do!” Alex asks Clara.

“About what?”

“Her” Alex turned to Sandra who is just busy setting up the table.

“Alex don’t tell me you still have to do something with her today, after all the shouts and moaning last night.”

“What!, were you listening to us?”

“Well, I went to get water from the kitchen and I overheard” she make a face and Alex was like “wow…” now he understands why she needs the bangle “But why Jack, look for someone else please, I’m begging you”

“He caught my attention and I know he loves me too”

“Love!..., no, I don’t think so. The Jack I know has no time for love”

“Really?, then I have to take a look, don’t worry about him hurting my feelings” she took the bangle from him and they went inside to eat.

"Why do you always speak in low tones with your sister?” Sandra ask Alex when Clara was gone.

“Oh… that, she’s used to doing that but I don’t know why”

“Hmmm, I hope you guys are not discussing me?”

“Of course, we are discussing you and I told her how much I love you” he tease her into forgetting about the topic and they went about their day without any trouble.

Clara got to Jack’s house and met the surprise of her life.

Jack was high in spirit, the ladies dancing to a musical tone and Ella was there.

“What in hell is this!” Clara asks herself. She was about to turn around and leave when Jack saw her.

“Hey… Clara wait” he hurried to her, grabbing her hand and Clara turned to look at her hand, he was holding her gently.

“You didn’t call to say you're coming”

“Do I have to call before coming to your house? oh… am sorry” she turn to leave but Jack stopped her.

“You can come in” he invited her in.

“Is okay… I’ll… I will just leave”