

What are the two of you doing here?” Pat ask Zack, she didn’t expect to see them here, were they tracking her? Did they think she was hiding something?

She wasn’t happy to see them, whatever their reasons are, she was not happy to welcome them.

“W-we thought to look for you here,” Zack said stammering, his heart skips a bit as he talked to her, this has never happened to him before, he’s a fearless person but now he’s cowering in front of this little girl.

Alex said nothing, he could see how Zack was struggling to stand tall in front of Pat.

“You guys can’t be here” she whisper looking back into the room she came out from.

Alex looked around the place wondering what a woman like her is doing here.

"I was worried about you,” Zack said.

"Excuse me! Why were you worried about me?” she asked Zack pretending not to know why.

Alex moved away from them, leaving Zack and Pat to continue.

"I will just go if you don’t want to see me,” Zack said and turned to leave.

“I-I am sorry about that, is just that you took me unaware, and how did you know where to find me?” She asked him now that she thought about it.

She never told anyone where she will be, and Don will not find it easy to believe her when she will tell him that she didn’t know why they came here looking for her.

“I, I, …Brian told us” he lied even though he didn’t know how to lie.

“Please, don’t come here next time looking for me” she was worried about him, Don and his boys might hurt him, and it will be her fault.

Just then Don walked out of the house with two guys, each on his side, Pat was worried now.

“Who is that?” he asks in a deep ugly voice.

“H-He's my friend” Pat quickly said and held Zack’s hand trying to take him away from there.

"Your friend?” Don asked walking around both of them now, he puffs his cigarettes smoke on them, but Zack remains unmoved.

"Your friend huh? And you didn’t tell him that there are areas in this town he can’t just walk into” he asked, walking up to Zack, he moved closer and their face almost touched each other.

"Hey, lover boy, I will let you go this time, but next time you interrupt my meetings, you will be dead fish” he puffs his smoke in his face.

Zack just smirk at him, the guy is not worth his effort, besides, he was not here to fight, he was simply looking for Pat and his powers carried them here.

He didn’t even know a place like this excited and what the hell is Pat doing with a guy like him?

Pat pulled him away from Don. “I’m sorry Don, it won’t happen again, he’s leaving anyways, come” Pat drag Zack out of the gate to where their car is parked, Alex was waiting for him in the car, and he smiled when he saw them walking towards him.