
She's down

"What’s that?” He went closer only to see Clara shivering, he rushed to her side and pick her up.

"Clara wake up…. He shake her but she was too weak.

“Clara wake up… shit…” he rush to find some medicine but nothing, he can’t remember when last he was sick, he didn’t know how to handle a sick person.

He left her and hurry to the sitting room, took his phone and browse through the Internet on her to calm someone’s temperature.

“Okay..” he hurry down to the bathroom took some cool water and hand towel.

“Where do I start?” he place the wet towel on her forehead and waited. The temperature seem not to go down, he decided to clean her up.

He try to unbutton her blouse a little but Clara grab his hand. She was too weak speak louder, in a low voice Jack could hear her ask what he was doing.

“I just need to calm down your temperature” she shake her head without talking.

 “Give me water to drink” and Jack rush to get it.

“Here” she took it and drank it, handing back the cup she look and Jack and he could tell that the fever was so serious.

“I don’t have any medicine in this house and is late, do you think you can cope till morning” she nods.

She got up to leave but she stopped him.

“Stay with me” she pat the bed indicating he sat down.

Jack hesitated but later oblige, he sat down and Clara ask him to come closer, she was feeling the urge to hug someone, and Jack saw her teeth shaking because of the fever.

“I’m sorry to disturb you” Clara said her teeth shaking vigorously.

“Is okay, you’ll be fine” Jack said and move closer to hug her. She leaned and place her head on his shoulder.

"Do you mind” Clara ask as she hug him back, the tears start to flow again? She has been crying and has come down with a fever as a result.

They stay that way for some minutes before Jack realise that Clara has been crying.

“What is wrong?” he raised her face and it was soak with care.

“Sheee… why are you crying?, don’t worry we will look for Alex tomorrow, I know they are fine” Clara nod, she has always act strong in front of others but not anymore, her parents seems to have taken her confidence with them when they died.

She keeps sobbing on Jack’s shoulder while he pat her on the back.

They stay that way for the next minute but Jack was surprise at her next move, she yank up slightly and kiss him.

“What!, Jack’s eye widened he wanted to pull away but didn’t want to offend her.

She hesitated for a seconds and then try it again but this time Jack place a light kiss on her lips.

“Are you sure about this?”, Jack whispers and she nod slightly.

She move her hand and took hold of his nipples squeezing it with her finger and Jack feel the rush from his brain, his whole body suddenly become hot.