
She's deadly

Brian was surprised that Blaze wasn’t reacting as he turned to look at her with tears in his eyes.

He has never killed someone before and the scene of him standing before the judges in the court of law and him being sentenced to 30yrs imprisonment or perhaps to death for murder starts playing in his head.

“What?” she asks Brian as he stares at her with mixed emotions, he didn't know which one to feel because Brian finds her strange. How can she be so calm when her friend is dying or perhaps dead!.

“Is she dead?” he asks Blaze who is still standing there, not moving or saying anything, she was just staring at them with no emotions written on her face whatsoever.

“Don’t just stand there, do something”  Brian pleaded with Blaze.

“What do you want me to do?” She finally move slowly toward Brian and his heart failed him instantly.

"I-I thought you should be helping out to revive her” he stammers and turned to see if his parents are still there as Blaze walks towards him with her hands still cross around her chest.

The aura that emanated from her was so deadly that it fills the entire house. Brian and his parents prayed silently

“How about I chopped off your head, and take your parents, as slaves just the way I did with Sandra and her parents.

“What? you killed Sandra’s parents,” Brian asked in surprise.

 “And I can do even more with yours, take them to Mr. Lincoln and have them used as an experiment, how about that?”

“Huh…, No!, please don’t” he starts to beg and cry. But blaze gave the order.

 “Take her to your bed and give me some ice”

“Okay… okay” Brian ran to go outside the house but his mother stopped him.

“This way son, the fridge is in the kitchen”

“Uh. Yeah,” he ran back and into the kitchen and brought a bottle of water.

“No!, not a bottle of water” his mother whispered and he ran to put it back.

Blaze was just looking at him “What is making him confused?” she ask in her head.

Brian brought in the ice and try to hand it over to her but it fell on the floor and he will not stop shaking.

“Will you calm down?” Blaze tries to make him relax but even the way she said it is enough to send Brian running.

“Yeah” he tries to be calm but no, Sandra has to wake up first.

Brian’s parents stood at the door to their son’s room looking at Blaze and what she was doing.

She places the ice cubes on her head and mumbles some words only known to her and within a few seconds her finger moves, followed by her sneeze.

“Oh thank God!” Brian raises his hands up and out of joy hugs Blaze but she looked at him with this deadly look and he instantly snaps out of it.

“Oh… sorry” he withdrew his hands and moves one inch backward from her.