
Shattering news

“What if I tell you that Alex knows about us and has kind of given me his blessing?”

“Hahaha, story for gods!” Brain mocked at him. “The Alex I know will do no such thing” Brian retorted.

“Needless to argue with you, but these are the times I wish Alex was here to clear your doubt, why must he die on us?” he asks looking up at the ceiling.

“My friend, come out of your stupidity and help let’s find him, I’m suspecting that Zack guy, he must be hiding Alex some were,” he said and Jack just laughs at him.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Look, that Zack guy or whatever they call his name is not an ordinary guy, so if you are planning to start a war with him, count me out”

“Really? So Alex should just die like that?  And we, his men should do nothing about it?”

“Look, Alex is dead; the only thing we can do for him now is revenge”

“Really? Revenge with his sister? is that how you revenge for him? Let me not see you one inch closer to my sister” he warned and move away from him.

“What do you mean? are you planning to die?” hahaha, Jack laughed at him. “but cmon guy, is not what you think, and besides we’ve done nothing yet, like seriously nothing” he opens his palm and shows him his innocence, hoping that Brian will stop talking about it.

“Fine,  let's look for a way to visit that Lincoln and rescue Alex,” Brian said not believing this fairing tale about him dissolving in acid or whatever.

“You still don’t believe, do you? Alex could be dead you know” Jack tries to convince him but he refuses to accept it,

“Until I see his body, I will not believe that story, we don’t know that Zack guy and he could be responsible for all this, you know? And where is Sandra?” the shocking realization of Sandra missing in all this made him more determined to know what is going on.

Jack takes a deep breath before blowing the news away. “Sandra is with Zack’s family and…”

“And what? Talk to me” Brain held Jack’s arms and shook him.

“She’s pregnant for Alex, at least that is what Clara was telling me before you walked in."

“What?” Brain let go of Jack's hands and sat down quietly, he did not know what to feel, is it the loss of his friend? or the disappointment he cause him? He was hoping to ask Sandra for forgiveness and if they could come back and continue from where they let things off.

He was so devastated about the news that it instantly breaks every bone in him.

“Are you okay?”  Jack asks his friend seeing how weak he was looking.

“Yeah, I’m fine, is just that….”

“You didn’t expect Sandra to be pregnant?” Jack took the words out of his mouth, he sat up to face Jack.

“But that was quick!”

“What do you expect? Alex was a bad guy you know, you don’t expect him to be playing around with her.

“Stop it, are you trying to make me jealous?” Brain asks getting up to leave him before he says something more hurtful than this.