

“Sorry” Blaze find herself saying, she hardly said those words.

She tries touching his face again but he withdrew.

“Is okay, is just a little bruise, is fine, I’ll take care of that.” He said looking away because Blaze was staring into his eyes.

They got home and Brian carry Pat inside, Blaze follow.

Sandra was angry, she can’t understand what Blaze is doing, she sat on the floor still tied to a chair while Brian's mum and dad set a few meters watching her and she just sat there watching them too.

Brian entered the house carrying Pat while Blaze comes in with them.

Sandra gave her a deadly look. “What the hell are you doing?” she grinds her teeth at Blaze, twisting and turning herself to get free.

“Can you untie her please?” Blaze asks Brian.

“Sure, but she has to promise not to disturb our peace again.”

“Yes, she won’t” Blaze said and Sandra looked at her in amazement.

“Did he do something to her? what has come over her, begging this guy?”  the shock on her face was so visible that Blaze understands how she felt.

Brian unties her but was afraid she attacks again.

“Look, I’m going to untie you know, don’t start any trouble here again or I might just kill you” he threatened with his heart beating like a drum.

Sandra scoffed at him, and watch him as he losses her.

Sandra keeps smiling from the corner of her mouth.

“I hope you heard what I said, don’t start any trouble!” he repeated because he didn’t understand that wicked smile of hers.

“You think I don’t know what you're doing?” she whispered to Brian but he ignore her.

“Blaze is not capable of loving you, so drop it already,” Sandra said again and Brian stood upright to look at Blaze.

“Love me!” And then turn to Sandra and speak in a low tone. “Who said she loves me?”

“I didn’t say she loves you, I said not capable of loving you, I know her more than you think”.

“Okay, thanks for the info, I will keep that in mind,” Brian said and continue untieing her since he didn’t know what she meant by that.

Sandra and Blaze left the house after Blaze said goodbye and thank you to Brian and his family.

“Seriously?” Sandra asks Blaze on the way to Lincoln’s house.


 “Did you just hug that guy and say goodbye to his family for almost killing us?”

“Is not their fault, Is Alex's family, Clara and Sandra we should be hunting not them.”

“But they know where Sandra is and refuse to say”.

“Maybe Lincoln has gotten to her now, who knows,” Blaze said and Sandra agree.

Sandra steals glances at her as they walk home but refuses to ask her anything regarding Brian and if she’s in love with Brian.

They got to Lincoln’s house but were arrested by his guard.

“I told you this will happen,” Blaze said as the guards took them and lock them up in a cell.