
Reality check

“Wow!.. Is a Snake” they yell and start running in confusion “A talking snake!” they yell running.

 But lily bit the one with the keys and he fell to the ground suffocating.

“Hurry!, take the keys and open the door!” she told Brian and he took the keys from the dying man and open the door to the underground building.

“Blaze!, Blaze!!” Brian calls and his voice echo through the dungeon.

“Is Brian!, Brian!..” she called back, “I’m over here!”

He finds the door and lets them out.

“We have to hurry” he took them out to the door where lily was still standing guard till they came out.

Sandra could still not believe that just Brian and Lily rescued them.

“How did you do that? I know you can’t fight, you’re too weak to kill an ant” Sandra said to Brian once they were out to safety. She didn’t even say thank you.

Blaze just roll her eyes at her wondering when she will ever be appreciative.

“You can just say thank you if you are thankful” Brian replies as he stares at lily instead.

She has turned back into a human being by the time they came out of the dungeon, so Brian was still dumbstruck.

He just stares at lily all the time without saying a word.

Blaze keep looking from Brian to Lily as she saw the surprised look on his face.

“Hey. Lily, what happens? why is Brian looking at you like that?”

“He saw me change”

"Shit! Why do you do that in front of him?"

“There was no time, I had to, and he has to accept it, I think he’s doing just fine” she turn to look at Brian and he looked away quickly.

They stay quiet throughout their journey home.

“I will leave you girls here,” Brian told Blaze and started home alone.

“What now?” Sandra ask Blaze

“What do you mean what now?” she asks back.

"We have no place to stay, we could have remained in that dungeon, at least we have shelter there."

Blaze shakes her head wondering if she has gone crazy for losing everything.

"We have to look for a place to stay,” she said walking away from Sandra and Lily.

Sandra turned to lily and said. “Hey! How did you guys do it?” lily looked at her scornfully and followed Blaze.

“Whatever!” she muttered and start following them.

They try getting something to eat but have no money to buy it.

“Just steal something, I’m hungry!” Sandra commanded Blaze and Blaze got furious at her.

“Listen to me, I’m no longer your servant, look around you, you have nothing, nothing!” she yelled at her.

“What are you saying?”

“All I’m saying is that you are broke! No house, no money, no family! I’m the only family you’ve got, so just stop commanding me around.”

Sandra was dumbstruck, she can’t  believe Blaze telling her that, she has been loyal to her for as long as she can remember, is she trying to disobey her now?.