

 Zack rushed Alex into the car, and Jack took the car steering.

“No, don’t take him to the hospital, drive straight this way” he pointed in the direction and Jack went in whatever direction he pointed and they came to a building.

Zack pulled Alex from the car and ask Brian and Jack to go home, “He will be fine”

“No! I’m coming with you” Jack said.

“If you insist” he has no time to argue with him.

Brian took the car and left, while Jack went with him into this building, they met a guy who took them to a lady who refer them to another guy and the last guy took them into a tiny door that leads to another world of its own.

“Where are we?” Jack asked turning around as he followed Zack who is struggling with Alex's weight.

“I asked you not to come but you insist, so just shut up!” he yells at Jack.

Jack couldn’t help but wonder if they are still in the human world, everything here looks strange, and the people all looked weird.

He hurried to catch up with Zack, he didn’t want to get lost in this kind of place.

They finally arrived at Vampire's place.

A guy with a huge chest stopped them but Zack whispered something to him and he let him pass but Jack was stopped.

“I’m with him,” Jack said, his heart almost stopped as the guy stopped him, he can’t imagine him alone here without Zack or Alex.

“Is fine, he’s with me” Zack told the guy as Jack called his name and he turned back to see Jack stopped by that guy.

He hurried to Zack and held Alex's hand as they walk, he didn’t want another person stopping him.

“Wait here” the guy at the front door went in to inform Vampire but Jack wondered who could that be with this much security, is he that rich?

He tries to look around if he can recognize any of the places, but everything looks different from the world he knows.

“Let them in,” Vampire said, they rushed Alex in and place him on the floor

Vampire got up and the ladies rubbing his chest all discharged.

“What happened?” he asked but was looking at Jack.

“Is Lincoln, he poisoned him”

“Hmm, and what is he doing here?” Vampire asks Zack.

“I don’t know, he insisted”.

“Hmmm, I hope you are ready?” Vampire ask Jack but he looked at him without knowing what he meant.

“Ready for what?” he asked.

"Is time” he said and asked that they take Alex into his operating room.

"Is he a doctor?” Jack ask Zack in a whisper but he didn’t reply.

He asked again because this man didn’t look like a doctor to him.

“Just shut up, you talk too much”

Vampire could hear them but he got busy with Alex.

After a while, he came out but without Alex.

“Is he okay?” Jack was first to ask.

“He will be fine, give him three hours,” he said and called Zack to come with him.