
Playing with fire

 “Are you asleep?” the text message reads.

Alex jumped out of bed after kissing the sleeping Sandra and hurried out with the phone, his heart racing. "Did Evelyn text me?” he asked staring at the text message and then he called her back.

“Hey…, I got your text, how are you?”

Evelyn didn’t respond, she quickly drop the call and Alex stare at his phone.

“But I thought she texted me!”  he wanted to go back to bed but decided to call one last time.

"Evelyn, is me Alex? Why did you drop the call?”

“I’m sorry about that”

“Is okay so what are you doing?”

“Thinking about you?” she said.

"Wait what!” Alex brought the phone to his face staring at it as if to see her through the phone and then gently takes it back to his ear.

“You say what?” he asks to be sure.

“Oh. Sorry about that too”

“Oh. No! is fine, is fine, I heard you” Evelyn smiled at the phone.

“So can we meet?” she ask and Alex went blank.

What he was looking for is now right in front of him but he was blank, he didn’t know what to say or do, his heart just racing like a mad horse.

“I-I we… I will call you in the morning and we can fix a date” he stammered.

“Okay, sounds good to me” Evelyn end the call and Alex could only see stars as he blinks and held his head.

“What have I done? She loves me!” he turned to look if he’s been watched but no one is there only him.

He went back to Sandra still sleeping and hug her.

He began to feel guilty, “but I've not done anything, why am I feeling this way?”

When he was having an affair with Adora he didn’t feel this guilty about cheating on Sandra, Maybe because he felt nothing for Adora, but is different with Evelyn, he is feeling something for her and that makes him feel guilty, he was afraid she will come between him and Sandra because right now he just wants to go to Evelyn.

He hug Sandra so tightly as if to say please help me, don’t let me go to her, but Sandra was sound asleep.

Alex began to kiss her sleeping face and starts to rub her until she woke up.

“Alex..” she called out and rub her eyes, she looked at his eyes full of longing.

“Are you okay?” she asks still feeling sleepy.

“I want to make love to you” he kiss her lips and she responded, Alex, has already heated her while she was sleeping making her have this funny feeling in her sleep. So is not difficult for her to get in the mood.

Alex turned and twist her, giving it to her in different styles and positions.

“I love you, Sandra,” he said.

“I love you more” they sleep in each other's arms till the next morning.

Alex tries to forget that he has an appointment with Evelyn. He wants to forget whatever feeling he has for her and follow Jack's advice, but the more he tries the more it becomes hard.

He received a call from Evelyn three days after, she wants them to meet.