
Pat drunk

 Every word that comes out of his mouth sounded lovely to her.

He is the perfect man for her, send from heaven, and she only wishes that this moment with him will never end, but here they are.

In front of a street club. “Do your sister come to this kind of place?” Blaze asks amazed, even though she will not come here alone.

“No, and Yes”

“I don’t get you, you’re not sure?”

“I use to be, but not anymore, she’s no longer the little girl I use to know,” Brian said with a squeezed face and Blaze just smirk.

“What?” he asks her.

“You don’t expect her to remain a baby forever?.”

“Yeah, but not like this, we need to get inside and look for her.”

“Okay,” they took one step and saw Pat coming out of the club with some guys.

It looks like they were trying to harass her but she was damn drunk and still holding a bottle.

“Stay away from me” she pointed the bottle at the guys and staggered like the wave of the sea.  There were four of them and they all want to have a piece of her.

One of them held her hand and she use the bottle on him then the others all join in attempting to carry her away.

"Hey, you! Take your hands off her now” Brian commanded but they just laugh.

“Stay away from this, man, she’s our girl, is none of your business.”

Brian tries to rush into them but two of the guys withstand him while the other two carry Pat escaping with her. She was too drunk to defend herself.

All the while Blaze was standing there not talking, she just watching them.

But then she allows the guys to take Pat out of the club’s area.

They were heading somewhere dark, Blaze only smiled because she love it dark.

“You have to hurry”, one of them said to the other, as he pull down his trouser.

“I won’t do that if I were you”  Blaze stood in front of them.

“Just get lost, who are you to stop us?” they ignore her and wanted to go ahead and rape Pat, but Blaze appears in front of the one with pants down and then all you could hear, was the cracking of bones.

Before Brian gets there both guys were crawling with broken bones and blood flowing.

“Wow!” was all Brian said before carrying his sister who is still lying on the ground.

They stopped a taxi and put Pat in it.

“Brian didn’t speak to Blaze half of the ride home. She began to wonder if she did something wrong.

“Why are you so quiet?” she ask him and he turned to face her.

“Was that necessary? Do you have to break their bones like that, they could die you know” Brian said but Blaze was only gazing at his face, he has lots of bruises on his face.

“Dose this hurt” she stretched her hand to touch his face.

“Ouch, that hurts”, Brian said forgetting about what he was saying early.