
One bullet

Sandra ordered Brian out, but he refuse to move. So she gave him a slap across the face but Pat rushed her and they start fighting.

But she was no match for Sandra, she beat her black and blue while Blaze stood at the door not moving, she knows what Sandra can do even without her help.

This is not the place where she always comes to her aid, this family is too small and weak for both of them to handle, and besides, she wasn’t planning of hurting anyone of them.

So she just stood there while Sandra have her way with Brian and Pat.

When Pat saw that Sandra is going to kill her brother she rush into her room and came out with the gun.

“Take your hands off my brother now!” she ordered and Sandra left Brian to face Pat.

“What do you think you can do with that?”

"Try me, now get out of my house” she yells at Sandra but neither Sandra nor Blaze shake or see the gun as something.

“Go ahead shoot,” Sandra said but her mother stood between Sandra and Pat.

“Please my dear, don’t shoot, for my sake don’t shoot”

"Mum, go away, I’ve heard enough of her and I’m going to end her now” Sandra laugh sarcastically at Pat.

“You end me! try it let's see” she turned to look at Blaze but she was still standing at the door crossing her leg and her hands,  she was looking at Brian who was also looking at her wondering why she always do that.

“Pat is enough,"  Brian told her, their father could not do anything because the man was not that strong enough, all he can do was hold on to his chest, and collapse onto the sofa.

“Don’t talk to me” Pat said angrily to Brian, she was angry at him, how could he be this weak? she still points the gun at Sandra, and she walked close to her mum to push her aside and she cocked the gun.

“Shit..” Blaze yelled seeing that Pat wasn’t joking around, she was fast enough to push Sandra away but the bullet hit Blaze on the shoulder and both Sandra and Blaze hit the ground.

“What have you done?” her mother yells at her. But Pat release another bullet at her and Blaze uses her powers to stop the bullet and it dangles midair to the amazement of all before she collapses on Sandra’s body.

Pat looked at the gun in her hand, she press the release button again because she wants to kill Sandra once and for all but the gun wasn’t working anymore. “What?” she pointed the gun at Sandra again but it didn’t work. “enough Pat” Brian yell at her and rush to take the gun away from her.

He and his mother rushed to Blaze to pick her up. “I can’t believe you guys, she wanted to kill you and all you do is help her?” Pat asks her mum and Brian.

“This is our house, do you want the police to come here?” the mother asks looking at Sandra who didn’t know want else to do or say because Blaze is bleeding seriously.