
Not going with you

The party is about to end yet Alex can’t seem to find Sandra. He was getting worried when he saw someone that looks like Sandra but she is been guarded by Blaze.

He hurried to them.

“Excuse me, can I have a word with you,?”

Me?” blaze ask.

“No, her” pointing at Sandra.

“Of course not, you can’t”.  Blaze pushed Sandra forward but Alex held her and she try to fight him but Alex over power her and took Sandra.

They start running towards the exit door when Blaze raise alarm and the doors where secured.

Who are you and where are you taking me Sandra was panting heavily because she has never eaten she can't remember the last time she eat she ate something.

“I'm Alex, don't worry I'll take you out of here.  I'm sorry for coming this late” Sandra stopped and pull her hand away from Alex.

“Of course you're not Alex, who are you and where are you taking me to?” she stood there refusing to follow him any further while the guards are coming after them.

“Please I will explain, we have to hurry they're coming Sandra. I will explain to you when we get out of this place but please don't just stand there come let's go” he took her hand but she pulled away from him again.

“ I'd rather stay here then go with you because I have seen a lot of shit.. lately, I've seen a lot of strange things and I'm not going with you”

“Of course I know and I'm sorry about that, I myself I'm still trying to understand so please come with me I need to take you out of here and then go save my sister.

Sandra refused to go with him because “this is not Alex” she thought, he is way younger than him and didn’t look anything like Alex. so she thought it was a trick to go and kill her. She stood there till the guards came and took her back to her cell but Alex got away.

Blaze gave her a hot slap that made her kneels before her mistress Sandra.

“Enough” she told Blaze who was about hitting her again.

“Do you think you can escape from this place?, answer me!” she yell at Sandra making her tremble.

“No… I. I…am sorry ma, it won’t happen again.”

“If you try that next time I'm going to cut off your tongue” she ordered Blaze to take Sandra the fish seller back to her cell and make sure that she didn't get even water to drink.

“Why didn't you run with him?” Lily the snake ask Sandra when she came back and told her the story.

“ I was so confuse. I didn't think it will be him, you know Alex is dead, that is what Sandra told me one of the days she ask blaze to beat me up. and I don't know that person I can't just follow him like that”

“Yeah you're right, but if I were you I would have run away with him and face whatever comes later”.  Lily said.