
Not enough

“Hey. Sandra, what about me?” Zack asked stretching his hands towards Sandra because she was ignoring him also.

"I’m sorry Zack” she invite Zack in and he went in with Sandra.

Alex could not help but stare at the place Sandra brought his daughter to, “You live here all this time? Sandra what has my daughter done to you that you have to bring her here?” he asked with a disgusting look on his face.

"Leave my house now!” She pushed him but Zack held her.

“Is okay, do you have anything to eat, I’m hungry” Zack said to Sandra.

“Yes I have” she let Alex off and went to get Zack something to eat.

“What is wrong with you?”

“What did I do wrong? I’m only telling the truth, she didn’t have to bring my daughter to this place!”

“Alex, I’m hungry, we talk about that letter” Zack cut Alex off seeing Sandra coming out with the food.

“Uh… I’m so sorry,” Alex said when Sandra came out with the food, but she has locked little Lilian in the tiny bookstore, she didn’t want Alex to take her away.

“I said I’m sorry, okay” Alex begged her while Zack helped himself with the food, he didn’t want to interrupt them, at least he has done his best to bring Alex here, let him beg for his forgiveness.

“Zack do you need more?” Sandra asks ignoring Alex's plea.

“Huh! No, I... I'm okay” Zack said with a mouth full as he stares at Alex.

“Yeah, she’s ignoring me now and talking to Zack huh? Fine, maybe she wants Zack” Alex murmured but Zack heard him.

Sandra left them alone and went out, telling Zack she will be back.

“Hmm, okay, I will be right here when you come back,” Zack said smiling at Sandra and then turning to Alex still keeping that smile.

“You think is funny?” Alex asked Zack after Sandra has left.

“Yeah, why not? I might as well take her away from you” Zack told him.

“You dare not, I will comb through the world to find you” he warns Zack so seriously and went in search of Sandra.

Zack could only laugh, “Alex..” he shakes his head. “How confused can you be?”

Alex followed Sandra to the local market and finds her selling things, he was so embarrassed and vowed to take her with him today, she can’t be selling in the local market when Alex is still alive!

“Why are you following me?” Sandra saw him and hid, but when Alex turned around to look for her, she surface in front of him.

“You are coming back home with me today!” he told her and grabbed her hand dragging her back to her house.

“Let go of me, Alex! I’m going nowhere with you” but Alex keeps dragging her.

“Let her be,” Zack said when he saw them coming into the house with Alex dragging her.

“Zack, let’s go, where is my daughter?” Alex starts searching for Lilian.