
Not a rumor

 "What part don’t you understand huh, I knew you would be a problem the first day I saw you, but I didn’t think Alex will be this stupid."

“Excuse me? Did I do anything to warrant your insult?” Evelyn asks and Clara raises her hand to stamp it on her face but her hand hangs midair.

“Is enough” Alex said still holding Clara’s hand.

“I just need to teach her a little lesson,” she said.

“I said is enough” Clara left both Alex and Evelyn, and went out of the house, she didn’t want her presence to upset her the more.

“What do you want here?” Alex asks so weak to even walk properly.

“You can’t even invite me in?”  she ask Alex, looking past him into the house, she hope the news was true that Sandra ran away and deserted Alex a few days to their wedding.

The news is all over the place with people saying different things and everyone giving different accounts of the story.

He made way for her to pass and she walks inside the house smiling and looking around.

“Soon, this will be my home” she muttered.

Pretending not to hear what happened she ask Alex about Sandra and his baby.

“She left me, took my baby with her, and leaves me empty, what I’m  I suppose to do?” he ask with a sad look on his face.

“Is okay, you have me” she shifted to his side and held him caressing his face.

“Maybe she’s  not meant for you, I heard a lot about her from my father, after all, she’s not of our kind, just let her go”

“Your father?” Alex ask

"Yes, everyone is talking about it, that is what he told me when he gets back from the last council meeting, he said everyone is talking about you, how you want to marry a human girl.

But my father puts in a word on your behalf telling the council that it was all a rumor and that the person you want to marry is me and not a human girl."

“What!, when did this happen?”

“I told you already, the last council meeting”

“Fuck!” Alex curses.

"So you see? The earlier we get married the sooner you make everyone stop talking and takes it as a rumor."

“And what if I say no?”

"Well, then they will confirm is true and take away the position from you and give it to another.” She said speaking into his ear.

Clara came back and find Evelyn still with Alex.

“Your time is up, leave now” Evelyn turned to Alex and ask,

“Are you for real? she’s asking me to go!”

“Yes,” Alex said, “we need to be somewhere right now” he got up ushering her out of the house.

“Where are we going to look this time?” Clara ask Alex as they drive around town looking for Sandra, they wish they could just accidentally see her on the way.

Alex remembered the first time he went to look for Sandra, how he has wish he could see her on the way, now he’s again in that kind of situation but this time is more severe because she’s with his child.