
No place to stay

Is all Alex’s fault, he destroyed everything she has and made her homeless.

Blaze has no right to disobey her if she still has her home and money, she’s going to take her revenge on Alex. She grinds her teeth and clutches her fist as she watches Blaze and Lily walk away from her, she only follows them from a distance.

“What’s wrong with her?” Lily hurried up to Blaze to ask her, because to her Sandra needs to come down from her high horse and face reality. “She still thinks you’re her servant,” lily said but Blaze said nothing, even though Sandra has nothing now, she still sees her as family.

The only problem Blaze has now with Sandra is pride, she is too proud that she refused to see how that Blaze is just being kind to her.

They keep walking from place to place with nowhere to call home.

No food, no shelter, no family. Sandra wanted to yell at Blaze, she wanted her to arrange something fast but held her peace, maybe she was beginning to get the message.

Is getting late, and they still have no place to stay or food to eat.

“Where are you going?” Lily asks Blaze ask she got up and start moving.

“You can follow me if you want!” they all find themselves in Brian's house.

“What!” Brian muttered as he stood with Blaze at one corner while lily and Sandra stands a meter away from them.

“What about your house?”

“We have no house, Alex destroy our home,” she said facing down unable to look at his face.

"Look here, I would gladly let you stay at my house but not with those two, I mean the other one is not even a human, she’s a snake!” Brian whispers to Blaze and she turned to look at Lily.

Lily gave her a look at said “What?” and she turned back to look at Brian.

“She’s not a snake!”

“I saw her with my own eyes, I’m sorry I can’t let you guys stay here”

“Is fine, thanks away” Blaze turned to leave but Pat came out of the house.

"Hey. Blaze! Where have you been? You just disappear the other day!” she rushed out to hug her.

“I didn’t even say thank you for the recuse,” she said smiling at her. She liked her already, she like the way she fought the other night she and Brian came to rescue her from those boys.

“Oh, is nothing, I just had a business to take care of,” she said smiling at Pat. Blaze hardly smiles, but she is happy that someone appreciates her the way Pat did.

“I think we should go now,” she said and starts walking toward Sandra and lily.

“Wait!” Pat called out, and went to her.

“Are you having any trouble?” she asked seeing the way all their faces were gloomy.

“Is fine” she faked a smile, looking back at Brian who stood there the whole time saying nothing.

Pat turned to look at Brian and then back to Blaze. “You can tell me, I will gladly help.

“We are looking for a place to stay, we have no house for now”